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Crystal's Pov.

I sat on the cushion chair unpacking and arranging the new collections that came in yesterday.

Rita is at the counter chatting animatedly to one of our regulars, her mate came back unscathed from the mission and i couldn't be more happy for her.

"Please excuse me..." I heard someone say from above me and i looked up seeing a small girl with cute chubby cheeks,

"How can i help you" i smiled at the shy girl who looked seven.

"I can't find the comic section and Mrs Rita directed me to you" she explained looking at her shoes but i could see the pink coating her cheeks, she was adorable that i couldn't deny. I stood up to my full height dusting my clothes

"Follow me" i walked forward maintaining a slow pace so she could catch up.

I walked in through the front door with a smile on my face all thanks to Audrey the small girl who met me in the shop, she was really adorable and nice.

She ended up staying with me excitedly explaining all the comics shes read to me which was refreshing. I can't remember the last time i smiled this much and i think Rita noticed because she kept glancing at us with a heartwarming smile on her face.

After a quick shower to rid myself from all the sweat and dirt on my skin, i sat on my bed watching the clock in my bedroom tick without a care in the world, once it was time to prepare dinner i walked to the kitchen.

"There will be no need for you to cook tonight"

i heard sally say from behind which made me turn to face her.

she was all dressed up and i guessed she was going to eat out tonight maybe with Allen and Avery but i seriously didn't care considering my sore body, i was thankful i didn't have to do any work.

I nodded stiffly to which she mumbled something along the line of 'pathetic' under her breathe, and walked out slamming the door shut behind her.

I walked back to my room carefully laying down trying to stretch my stiff back muscles.

The aftermath of bending down to pack books hitting me hard, i groaned relaxing futher into the bed. The silence of the house sent my thoughts spiralling out of control.

I stared at my ceiling long enough to remember a pair of grey eyes which brought a smile to my face, he was one of the few people who looked at me without disgust swirling in their eyes.

I wondered what he would be doing, maybe taking care of pack duties after all he was the Alpha, he probably doesn't remember me and the thought of that happening brought an odd feeling which i brushed off.

I was used to the feeling of being negleted...hell my whole life i was abandoned by my father who made sure to remind me that i was a waste of space... my grandma was no better..everytime she visited she would always chastitise my mother for keeping me 'a weakling' instead of putting me up for adoption which my mother blatantly refused.

My mom tried her very best to make sure i never felt neglected but there wasn't much she could do since she wasn't around all the time, the maids were not an exception they made my life more miserable, it was good enough that most of my memories were fading.

My stomach rumbled disrupting my thoughts but i wouldn't dare go into the kitchen to prepare anything, the lesson sally taught me was still as clear as daylight, i still have scars which reminded me of that day and as usual Rita helped to take care of the serious wounds which i couldn't do myself.

"Crystal....crystal" i heard a familiar voice call out in the distance.

i saw my mom standing with her arms held out wide, her fiery hair was glowing in sharp contrast to our surrounding which was plain white with not a single speck of colour, her smile was still as dazzling as i remembered and not thinking twice i rushed forward wanting to be in her arms deperately.

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