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Rita and i spent the remainder of the day catching on with stuffs and it felt good to actually think about something else. Lucian came in from time to time to check on us including the doctor.

         Rita later left to take care of some things that needed her attention promising to come by again tomorrow. After taking the evening dose of my medication, i lay down on the bed.

      I feel oddly ok apart from the slight pains here and there, it doesn't even feel like i was in coma for almost a month, based on the little information i know about my state when i was found, i was expecting to still be in major pain right now but that's not the case and besides who am i to complain, nobody loves pain.

       The door of my ward squeaked open revealing a handsome lucian who walked in with a small rectangular box in his hand. My heart beat increased and I am really grateful the weird machine which i later got to know was a heart monitor is no longer connected else i will be so embarrassed with the speed of my heartbeat, but i have a feeling he can hear it after all he's a werewolf.

       Its like i could now see how handsome, strong and kind he is, i mean i knew he had all these qualities when we first met but it's like i was immune to it at that time but it's like some switch had been flipped and now his every action affects me.

            "Hi" he pulled one of the chairs closer to my bed

        "Hey"i shyly smiled avoiding his intense stare.

"How are you feeling?"


"Here" he stretched the rectangular box i saw earlier towards my way, i was confused since i was not used to receiving gifts from anyone.

          "It's for you"  i collected the box from him smiling widely when i saw what was inside, it was chocolate. I know it's probably nothing serious but to me it means the world that he actually remembered how much i loved them.

       I had only tasted it once when i received one of my paycheck from Rita, i was passing by this candy store when i caught sight of a small chocolate box, i bought it and since then I have always loved chocolate but couldn't buy it regularly.

               "Thank you  so much" i smiled genuinely

           "It's fine, i thought you might need some cheering up" he shrugged. It really worked in cheering me up, his phone pinged with a message breaking the comfortable silence that lingered in the room.

           "I am sorry, but i have to leave now....i will remind them to bring dinner for you and don't forget your medicines" he pecked my forehead before heading for the door, i am already missing him.

          "When will you be back" i blurted out before i could think twice, he looked shocked for a moment before it morphed into amusement, my face flushed in embarrassment.

                   "Before you wake up cupcake" he smiled and left the room leaving a red face grinning me behind, these feelings are strange to me but its obvious that he affects me in many ways.
                            I woke up to a dark room which looked familiar but before i could think further the door creaked open and sally, allen and avery walked in with bone chilling glares. My body shook with fear. What am i doing here?, i tried crawling away from them but there wasn't enough space and i was already cornered.

           "P..please" i sobbed out and shrieked when allens foot connected with my rib moving me a few feet away from them. The searing pain tore through me while i coughed feeling the metallic taste of blood in my mouth.

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