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I rolled unto my side and my hand felt a warm body beside me, on instinct i screamed and jolted out of the bed resulting in whoever was beside me to also jerk up.

"Are you okay" a soft voice whispered and my eyes connected with grey ones instantly my face flushed realizing my stupid mistake. Lucian was the one beside me. I could only give him a meek nod to answer his earlier question while avoiding his gaze.

"Y..yeah....i am fine, sorry" i sheepishly muttered internally smacking myself for being so stupid. He smiled gently like he understood what happened which he probably did, i mean why would i wake up only to scream out of fear.

"How was your night" he sat at the edge of the bed looking at me briefly before picking up his phone.

"F. F...fine" i blurted out rather too loud immediately covering my mouth with my hands. I want to cry out in frustration, i wish i was like every other normal girl out there but no...i am a broken, worthless piece of space who gets freaked out by every little thing.

"Hey..." His warm hands caged my face so he could look directly into my eyes.

"Take a deep breath and calm down" his voice was soothing as i did as he said finally being able to relax.

"Thank you" i genuinely smiled at him which he only nodded.

"How was your night" i blurted out without thinking twice so i wouldn't change my mind. I can do this, lucian has been nothing but kind and nice to me, if he wanted to harm me, he would have done it long ago while i was in coma nor would he have brought me to the hospital so i could be properly treated, moreso sally, allen and avery aren't here so i might as well relish these moments.

"Wonderful and nice" he smiled while getting up to open the curtains letting enough sunlight in.

The room door opened to a nurse wheeling in a tray which is most likely filled with food but right now a good hot shower is what i am craving.

"Thanks" i smiled at her to which she returned with a small nod of her own before leaving.

"Uhm..can i take my bath before eating" i asked unsure of what to do and what not to do.

"Yeah are free to do as you like, anything you want or anything you want to do, just say the word and it's done" he spoke with all seriousness, i felt like crying, this all feels too good to be true so i smiled.

"How do you want your water to be love?" He asked but everything he said wheezed past my head when he mentioned love, i forgot the way my body literally shuts down when he calls me by these endearing names.

"Hot" he simply nodded before walking towards the bathroom, i used the opportunity to get down from the bed moving closer to the window, i could still feel slight pains in my abdomen with each movement.

"All ready" he emerged from the bathroom
"Thanks" i smiled before walking towards the bathroom, i locked the door behind me before stripping out of the hospital dress and submerging myself into the water. I sighed in content once i was fully inside, my stiff muscles were relaxing, i laid my head on the head rest closing my eyes.

"Cupcake are you alright there?" Lucian's worried voice startled me awake, i didn't notice that i fell asleep in the bathtub, the once hot water was now warm.

" fine, thanks" i drained the dirty water out of the tub before picking up the washcloth nearby and a lavender body wash.

After drying myself, i picked up the disposable underwear alongside another clean hospital dress that was kept in a pile. I opened the door to come face to face with lucian's chest, i jumped a little not expecting him to be this close to the door. He engulfed my frame in a hug breathing in my scent while i wrapped my arms around him, i love when he gives me one of his hugs, he makes me feel safe.

Alpha's Luna Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant