Happy Hell-oween

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"FUHAHAHAHA! AHH!" Gundham Tanaka—the fierce, fearsome, furious Forbidden one, the Overlord of Ice—roared, bandaged arms high above his head. "YES! Tonight, tis the most glorious of Hellish holidays! A day of darkness and a night of necromancy! I and my four Dark Devas of Destruction shall wreak havoc and reign chaos upon this pathetic, mortal plane, and have a happy Hell-oween that—!"

"Mwahahahaha! Yes! We're gonna have so much scary fun tonight! And today!"

"What the—?!" Gundham choked on his speech, lowering his arms slightly as his closed eyes shot open in disbelief. "Who dares interrupt the—?! Oh. It is only you. Child." Wench. Witch. Demon. Devil. And not the kind the King of Hell deigns to have in his underwordly, otherworldly realm... The Ultimate Animal Breeder stared down his nose at the little girl staring up at him with wide, emerald eyes, framed in childish makeup painted to look like a... Zombie? Witch? Mummy? A zombie-witch-mummy?

"Grr raahh!" She curled her fingers into claws and gave him the scariest face she could, only a second later breaking character as she broke into a fit of laughter. The little gremlin standing before Gundham was little Miiko Takeshita, Ultimate Horror Enthusiast, and Gundham's underclassman by one year. Despite the fact that they shared no classes, somehow, a friendship formed between them (at least on Miiko's side).


Gundham stood outside of Hope's Peak Academy, tending to some of the animals kept on campus, be it for companionship or study. It was then that Miiko noticed him and the Four Dark Devas standing loyally at his heels.

"Ohhh! What cute lil hamsters! They're so cute! I love them!" She raced over to them without a care in the world or thought in her head.

"Nay! Child! Stand back! Lay not thy hand upon my most loyal and faithful equals! Lest you incur the wrath of—!" Gundham whipped around.

"Oooh, wow, Mister! You got really cool hair! It looks like ice cream!" she beamed, and his fury turned into disbelief. Before he could even make a sound, though, voice strangling in his throat, Miiko's smile suddenly changed into a look of concern. "Oh, my!"

Just when Gundham thought he'd properly stricken the fear of God into the heart of the impudent child, she reached out to him instead. "Did you hurt your arms, Mister? Or did the animals get you?" She didn't even bother waiting for an answer. "Here, let me help!" Then she skipped merrily on past him, leaving him to stand there in stunned silence, one eye twitching. Miiko, meanwhile, was focused on the grizzly bear Gundham had been taming. Angry at the disruption, the bear growled and raised a threatening paw, but Miiko only smiled blithely up at it.

"Henlo, there, friendo! Aren't you a big cutie?!" With no sense of preservation whatsoever, she reached out and scritchied the bear's chin. Mere seconds later, it was on its back in the grass, rolling around like the world's largest, happiest doggo.

Gundham's eye was still twitching, mouth agape. "What sort of sorcery...?"

And his disbelief turned into envy when Miiko finally remembered what she'd originally raced over for: the hamsters. A vein pulsed in Gundham's temple that she would dare call them "pets". Even more audacious, she wanted to pet them. The disrespect was simply unspeakable! But then Gundham was taken off guard once again as the Four Dark Devas raced towards him... then right past him, right into the waiting and open arms of smiley little Miiko Takeshita. She giggled and cuddled them, and they cuddled her right back. What sort of sorcery indeed?

And Miiko was always too stupid to take a hint. Even though, as she would tell Gundham later, she could speak to animals, she was terrible at reading social cues, namely, that Gundham wanted her to go away. Instead, she hung out with him whenever the fates were cruel enough for their paths to cross. In fact, in time, she even began wearing bandages around her arms just like him, and only because she wanted to be just like him. She'd genuinely come to see the funny-talking, ice-cream-haired man as her big bro. The Ultimate Animal Breeder was cool, and he liked animals, and he liked scary, horror stuff. What more could the little Ultimate Horror Enthusiast want?

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