Operation: Body-Snatcher

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"Ah! Kirumi!"

She skidded to a halt, heart pounding. Uh oh... Her body was right, but the mind controlling it was not. Oh crap, oh jeez, oh shoot, oh crap...

Kurumi Shiratori turned around, clasped her hands politely, and put on her most hopeful smile, praying it wasn't too desperate or awkward.

"Nagi—ah... Komaeda..., h-how may I serve you, today?" She fought the urge to swallow nervously. Kirumi Tojo never did such things.

"You seem to be in quite a hurry today," the Ultimate Lucky second-year observed calmly. "Are you late for something?"

Curse you, Nagito! He was far too clever for his own good, even though he often played dumb. Kurumi could sense a likeminded mastermind within him, and ordinarily, she would respect that, but not today! She couldn't risk anything jeopardizing her latest, greatest prank plan: Operation: Body-Snatcher! With her silver tongue, the first-year Ultimate Prankster roped in the second-year Ultimate Imposter, and third-years Ultimate Diviner and Cosplayer (Hiiro Yano and Tsumugi Shirogane). Together, then, they roped in third-year Ultimate Maid, Kirumi Tojo.

In the name of science, she was more than happy to assist Kurumi in a little experiment. It had been a success, and their bodies were now swapped! It was time for the Ultimate Prankster to prank her dear, beloved Ultimate Chairman! She'd never see it coming! And it was so tempting to prank more people as Kirumi Tojo, but Kurumi Shiratori respected her "namesake" just a little too much to want to totally ruin her reputation. Likewise, unfortunately, Kirumi's mannerisms were too different from her own. Keeping up the masquerade was harder than Kurumi thought!

Due in no small part to how eerily observant Nagito is! She thought, having finally muttered a quick excuse about assisting Ms. Kasuga with the Disciplinary Committee. No doubt, he was alerted by her running in the Hope's Peak halls, a very un-Kirumi-like act. Kurumi had to force herself not to do it again, though she walked away from him as fast as she could. It already hadn't been a very good day for pranks for the Ultimate Prankster. If I didn't know better, I'd say Kokichi was trying to block my chances! Herstupid, idiot, older brother; an even better liar than she was!

First, Peko Pekoyama hardly even reacted after Kurumi tried to jumpscare her, far too stoic and serious to understand that she'd just been pranked. Then there was Saki Izumo in the library, whose cursed Synesthesia allowed her to see when people lied to her, because the color of their voice changed from silver to gold. Little did Kurumi know that this was the first time Nagito noticed her that day, and sure enough, later on, when she went racing by in Kirumi Tojo's body, he immediately knew what was up.

"Now if you will be so gracious as to excuse me, I must away!" Hands still folded daintily in front of a body that was not her own, Kurumi Shiratori curtseyed politely at Nagito Komaeda before speedwalking away. Nagito watched her go, chuckled to himself, and shook his head.

Ah well, it is not my place to question the other Ultimates. I am lucky enough to even be allowed to kiss the ground they walk on!


Haruna Kasuga crossed herself frantically, uttering a prayer under her breath to every patron saint she could think of. Her unit-mate and classmate, Kurumi Shiratori, had come knocking on the Disciplinary Committee door. Usually, that meant trouble—that is, Kurumi Shiratori's presence did, but knocking? While some of the other students of the Committee instantly recoiled in distrust and disgust, Haruna was suspicious.

She is NEVER so polite and conscientious as to knock... And it only got weirder from there.

"Forgive me, all, but I must have a word with Ms. Kasuga." The girl in the doorway folded her hands politely and curtseyed. Now, some of the other students of the Disciplinary Committee started crossing themselves too, but Haruna's eyes narrowed.

"Who are you and what have you done to the real Kurumi Shiratori?" she demanded at once. While some of her peers shot her worried looks—had Haruna lost her mind too?—Kurumi only smiled and nodded approvingly. Seriously, what the heck was going on here?!

"Very astute of you, Ms. Kasuga. I believe there has been... a bit of a mix up. But if you will allow me, I believe that I can explain all."


A most un-Kirumi-like smirk slowly spread across Kirumi's face as the mind inside of her body laid the last of her wicked, little rope trap.

"Kurumi Shiratori!"

"K-K-Kasuga?!" Kurumi whipped around, an age-old reflex making her temporarily forget whose body she was in. "Ah, I mean, Ms. Kasuga!" She tried again to clasp her hands in front of herself and curtsey, but Haruna only crossed her arms and shook her head, eyes flashing.

"Too late, Shiratori, I know that it is you." As if on cue, a girl with Kurumi's tiny body stepped out from behind the Ultimate Chairman.

The girl in Kirumi's body felt her blood run cold. "H-how...?"

Kurumi only smirked at her, an expression slightly more befitting of the body. "Did you really believe I would not immediately ascertain your little schemes? Come now, Ms. Shiratori, we may not be in the same year or class, but we know one another, do we not?"

"Awww... man!" Haruna watched the girl in the Ultimate Maid's body scuff her shoe dejectedly on the ground, pouting. It was almost comical, seeing such an immature expression on the face of the poised, elegant, and refined Kirumi Tojo. Almost.

"Kurumi Shiratori! I cannot believe you! Nearly slandering out good friend's excellent reputation!"

"Was only gonna prank you," she whined, head still lowered, even though she was—for once—taller than the Ultimate Chairman.

"Now, now, Ms. Kasuga," the girl in Kurumi's turned a wise, soft gaze on the redheaded girl. "If Ms. Shiratori returns my body to me, I am content to consider it all water under the bridge. I believe she has learned her lesson..." Her gaze slid back over to her body-snatcher, another light smirk gracing her face. As she'd said just moments ago, they may not have been in the same class, but Kirumi still knew Kurumi all too well.

"Ugh. Fiiiine..."


"Ha, ha, HA! Nice try, sis!" Kokichi shouted over his shoulder, passing Kurumi, Kirumi, and Haruna in the hallway a little while later.

"Shut it, Kokichi!" Kurumi snapped, back in her usual, little body once more, clenching her hands into fists as she seethed in humiliation.

Kokichi only tossed his head back and started laughing even harder. For once, Kirumi and Haruna seemed in agreement with the Ultimate Prankster, casting their own dirty looks at the Ultimate Supreme Leader as he practically danced away. They could already tell he was scheming, and no doubt wondering how he could perfect that which Kurumi had just attempted and failed.

Hmmm... Maybe I could recruit my dear, sweet, lil, baby sister into it too! He giggled to himself. Show her how it's REALLY done! Just like always, big brother will be her teacher! The smirk on his face was terrifying. Now, he just had to find Hiiro, Tsumugi, and the Ultimate Imposter...

AN: Inspired by a DanganDJ Koikatsu scene my best friend HellisJustAplace (DeviantArt) aka Hell_is_just_a_place (AO3).

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