Chapter 5: Oh! It's A Snake!

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* Sorry for the long wait - my mind wandered off into different storylines until it got back to this one.

* Elena's Mindset - This girl has gotten used and rejected again and again. In her world, the males have more options and don't bat an eye when they toss her to the side. Most of the males in her world are ungrateful bastards so her self-esteem is almost non-existent. Right now, she'd rather eat broken glass than think a male is genuinely interested in her. This will change later so don't worry.

* Kudos to you if you understand the reference in the title <3

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty & the Beasts webcomic/novel. I do not own any of the images.

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Zooming through the forest in half-beast form, Elena had quickly lost that weirdo red snake

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Zooming through the forest in half-beast form, Elena had quickly lost that weirdo red snake. Not surprising since she was penta-marked.

With a frustrated hiss she realised she'd dropped her wolf meat when that snake male had her entangled in his coils.

Great! Just great! First the rejection yesterday, then waking up in some random forest, meeting leopard beastmen who think it was funny to show fake interest in me and then this snake bastard who wasted my time and lost me my dinner!

Elena was fuming. With her stomach rumbling and pounding headache, she quickly killed the nearest animal (a large deer) and swallowed it whole without cooking or seasoning. At this moment, she didn't care how she was acting like the stereotypical "savage snake" people always called her.

Casually wiping the blood from her face, Elena slithered over to a nearby river to quench her thirst.

I don't care anymore! I give up with these males! They're attracted to me but leave me because I'm a snake. Fuck them! Fuck everyone! Especially those leopards and that bastard red snake! Did they think it was funny to get my hopes up by pretending to care? They want me to be their mate? ME?! As if I would fall for that again! Assholes!

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