Chapter 6: The Chase

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* You guys really like this random story of mine, huh? That boggles my mind Lol

* The fact that I am currently on my period will be VERY obvious as you read this chapter. Apologies for TMI

* This story is for fun & done when inspiration hits. It's not like Odd Beast World where I have pages of notes for it. So, please be patient with updates. If I make this in a hurry then all you're getting is some cavemen-style horrible chapters written in a rush.

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels. I do not own any of the images.

sssss sssss sssss sssss sssss sssss sssss

"Beautiful female! My name is Sebastian and you are now mine - "


Whatever that white/grey snake beastman was going to say went unheard as Elena's tail suddenly slammed into him - hard.

With a pissed off expression on her face, Elena glared daggers as the poor fool was sent soaring backwards, her tail slamming into him so hard that he was forced out the water and back-first into the trees.

.....Slamming right into Curtis who had just caught up to Elena.


Sebastian's body collided with Curtis's, their tails getting tangled up as they landed roughly on the forest ground.

"Get off me, bastard!"

"You're the one who slammed into me, asshole!"

The two snakes wore identical disgusted expressions as they de-tangled themselves from each other, immediately taking battle stances.

Elena rolled her eyes and turned away, slithering off in the opposite direction, away from the two morons.

I think I'm done with beastmen. At least, for now. It's not like I NEED a mate or anything. I just wanted to love someone and have that love returned like I've seen between Mum and Dad. But it looks like that's not happening anytime soon. Mum is so lucky to find someone like Dad! Too bad luck isn't a genetically inherited trait.

Elena grumbled to herself underneath her breath, wondering if she was some kind of beastman-repellent. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice when the constant sound of two snakes fighting suddenly stopped and continued casually slithering away.

Curtis and Sebastian froze on the spot, their bodies covered in blood and bruises, but they ignored that once they realised their female was gone.

"Female, wait for me!" Sebastian was the first to react, shoving the red snake out the way as he slithered after her, a besotted look on his face. .

Curtis hissed furiously at the white/grey snake, quickly slithering after her too.

"My Elena! Come back! You're going the wrong way! I'm right here!" Curtis gave Sebastian a smug look as he passed him easily, relishing the surprise on the white/grey snake's face. Looks like he didn't know her name. Ha! That means she likes me better! Take that, you three-striped weakling!

Realising the two idiots were still after her, Elena transformed into her massive beast form, not bothered by her clothes ripping off. As a huge, white snake, she sped up and slithered off, trying to lose her annoying pursuers.

For a second, Curtis and Sebastian wore the same possessive and excited expressions on their faces as they went after their perfect mate. They gave each other death glares before rushing after Elena, both determined to have her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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