Chapter 4

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Sebastian's POV:

I can't believe Hunter now knows. His reaction was definitely unexpected, though. Who knew that the drill sergeant could be so... supportive? After practice, he even forced me to get a doctors appointment! That's why I am currently in a strange situation - sat in a doctors office with Hunter Clarington, waiting for them to finish looking at some snot-nosed kid with a cold. I mean, seriously, who brings their kid to the doctor with a cold?"

"Sebastian Smythe?" The doctor calls out to the entire waiting room. Do they have to say it so loud and in front of everyone? It's embarrassing!

Hunter stands up with me. Time for my first ultrasound.

"Triplets! I can't raise triplets! It was bad enough when it was just one baby!" I yell at Hunter once we're in the car. I can't believe this!

"Hey, calm down" he comforts, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Just think, every one of those Warblers will jump at the chance to help you out!"

"Are you crazy! I'm not telling them until it's absolutely necessary."

"Why not?"

"Again, are you crazy? They won't believe me for one second, and as if they'd want to help me! I mean, can you blame them, after all I put them through last year?"

"They've forgiven you for that, Seb, you should know that by now. They'll be really supportive., I know they will."

"No, they won't! They still hate me, I know they do, they all do! I'm not telling them, you can't make me!" I shout, panic rising within me. This is so unlike me, what are these babies doing to me?

My heart starts pounding against my chest, and I feel my lungs constrict. I can't breathe. I can't breathe!

"Sebastian?" I hear Hunter say through my panicked state. "Sebastian, I need you to try and calm down. Try and focus on your surroundings for me, ok?"

A few minutes go by, and I slowly start to calm down. I do as Hunter suggested, and slowly, I begin to breathe a bit easier.

When I am fully calmed down, I glance over  at Hunter - who looks oddly relieved - before staring down at my clasped hands in my lap.

"Why did that happen?" he asks, turning to look at me. "Has that ever happened before?"

"No" I say in a small voice.

"Why did it happen just now?"

"I don't know."

"Do you know what could have caused it?"

"No, but I do know I didn't sign up to play twenty questions!"

"Really? That's the best you can do? Come on, Smythe, you've got better comebacks than that."

"Course I have. Just thought I'd dumb it down so your small military mind can keep up."

"Oh, I think I can more than handle it. Don't underestimate me, Smythe. But fine, I won't ask any more questions. But believe me, we will get to the bottom of this."

"Fine, drill-sergeant uptight."

"Hey! Am not!"

"Are too."

We drive back to Dalton, playfully bickering all the way.

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