Bonus Chapter: The Kitten

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Nick's POV:

I'm sat in a Biology lesson, and I'm trying to focus, I really am, but there's this small, jet-black cat just outside the window, with a snow-white patch on it's front right paw. It's limping, as though that paw is injured, and I just know that unless I go out and rescue it straight after class, Jeff might just kill me.

"Nick, how many times does a cell divide during meiosis?" my teacher asks me. Uh-oh. I haven't been paying any attention.

"Um, two?"

My teacher pauses for a second.

"Very good. For a moment there, it seemed like you weren't paying attention"

She returns to teaching the lesson, and I breathe a huge sigh of relief.

At the end of the lesson, I rush past everyone else so that I can get out first to rescue that cat.

I scoop it up, and, upon inspection, I can see that it's a girl, and she has a thorn stuck in thorn stuck in her paw. I  remember our emergency first-aid kit has tweezers in, and we could use those to pull it out, so I rush back to mine and Jeff's dorm, and delicately lay her on my bed.

"A cat!" Jeff exclaims.

"An injured cat. Female, by the way. Quick, help me get this thorn out of her paw."

"I'll hold her, you grab the tweezers"

"I grab the first aid box, take out the tweezers, and delicately remove the thorn. Once I've finished, Jeff loosens his grip, and she meows loudly and rolls over, drawing her paw to her chest. Jeff sits down next to her to comfort her, and I quickly put the tweezers away before following suite.

"That was a big thorn" I say, stroking her back supportively. "That had to have hurt"

"Yeah" Jeff agrees. What shall we name her?"

I pause and think for a moment. "What about Emily? Or Alison?" I suggest.

"I like that. Alison Emily Niff"

I laugh, then we share a loving look, before turning our attention back to the newly named Alison Emily Niff.

"Can we keep her?" Jeff asks quietly, probably thinking I'll say no. I chuckle softly, knowing how surprised he'll be at my answer.

"She didn't have a collar, so yes. She's all ours" I say, grinning as I see the huge smile spreading across Jeff's face.

"Yes! Thank you! Oh, this will be so much fun! We can get her a collar, and some cute cat toys, oh, and some of those tower things they like to climb! This will be so much fun! Thank you!" he exclaims, tackling me in a giant bear hug. Alison then gently paws at my leg, and so, laughing, we pull her into the hug.

We pull away, and Alison clings onto Jeff, her eyes lingering on me for a few moments longer before she turns to look up at him.

"Wow" I say. "She really likes you"

"Yeah" he breathes, gazing down at her adoringly. "I guess we know who's bed she's sleeping in tonight"

"If you can handle all the fur all over your sheets"

"There won't be that much!"

"Look at my sheets"

We both turn our attention towards my bed, which, thanks to Alison's rolling around a few moments ago, is now absolutely covered in cat fur. After a moment or two of silence, Jeff speaks up.

"Meh" he says, laughing softly. "I like fur. Besides, it'll be just like a blanket, so I could sleep in short sleeves"

"Jeff, please just keep Alison outside the covers, at least until we can get her to a vet to get her nails clipped" I plead. "She could scratch you!"

He looks at her claws, then nods. "Ok" he agrees .

And we all came together for another hug.

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