Chapter 12

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Sebastian's POV:

I call practice to order and quickly glance over at Hunter for reassurance, who nods at me.

"Ok, so before we get started, I have a confession to make." I begin, taking a deep breath. "I'm sure you all remember that about a week ago, I ran out of practice, and when I came back, Hunter announced that I am now his co-captain, and that he needed me to help him with the choreography. Whilst that is true, there's a bit more to it than that. You see, earlier that day, I had found out something really shocking, and when I ran out of practice, I threw up. Guys, the news I received that day has changed my entire life forever. I'm pregnant. With triplets. And the only reason I'm now co-captain is because Hunter wants to make sure I can actually do the choreography."

I look up from the desk I had been staring at the whole time I had been talking, and am met with a roomful of surprised faces and silence. Jeff is the first one to move. He slowly walks over to me, and tackles me into a giant bear hug.

"Are you going to be ok?" he asks worriedly.

"Yes, I'll be fine" I reply.

"Group hug?"

"If you must."

Within seconds, everyone but Hunter is piled on top of me, squashing me a giant hug.

"Wait, so you don't hate me?" I ask timidly.

They all pull back suddenly, as though they've been burnt.

"What?" says Trent.

"Why would we hate you?" asks Nick.

"Because I was a jerk last year, and now I'm pregnant." I reply nervously.

"The fact that you're pregnant doesn't bother us. And we forgave you when you apologised, which was a long time ago. We thought you knew that." says Thad, and the others nod in agreement.

"But..." I begin.

"But nothing." David interrupts. "We're you a jerk last year? Yes. Were we a bit annoyed at the time? Absolutely. But do we hate you? Definitely not! We've never hated you, even before you apologised. You need to stop being so harsh on yourself."

"But what I did was unforgivable! You should all despise me, you should be kicking me off the team, or beating me up, or something! You can't have forgiven me, it's not possible, you can't have!"

"Hey, it's ok. We're not kicking you off, and we're most certainly not beating you up! We have forgiven you; the New Directions have forgiven you; hell, even Kurt has forgiven you, and he was super mad! Forgive yourself, Seb. And never, ever, even for a second, think that we hate you or haven't forgiven you, ok? We love you, Seb" Jon says.

"Ok" I sigh, feeling as though a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. And, once again, I am tackled into a giant group hug.

Sebastian Smythe's new lifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang