Chapter 26

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Hunter's POV:

Sebastian's exhausted. Ever since he gave birth, all he's done is lie there and sleep, even since we came back to Dalton. He hasn't gotten out of bed, and he hasn't been awake for more than 5 minutes.

Lots of the Warblers have been visiting him. Quite a few of them with gifts. I've been looking after Florence, Charlotte and Daniel. Our room is that full of baby things, books, flowers and other gifts from the Warblers that it's getting increasingly difficult to get to Sebastian and his children when they need me, which is a lot more often than I thought it would be.

I haven't had any sleep since they came home. But I'm not complaining. This is nothing compared to what Sebastian's been through these last few months. He'll be ok soon. As ok as he can be after everything he's been through.

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