Chapter Sixteen

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It was dawn and we were ready.

Weapons drawn and spells at the ready, the group of us slinked into the goblin camp, sneaking past the drunk and sleeping goblins that littered the streets. When we made it into the palace in the center of town, a guard stood watch. 

"Halt! What business do ya have here?" The goblin's horrid breath was enough to keep anyone away. Using what persuasion I had, I began to speak as confidently as I could.

"I'm here to check on the battle plans. You weren't expecting us?" I looked at Astarion with wide eyes, feigning disbelief. "They didn't know I was coming. Can you believe this?" I turned back to the goblin guard. "You there. Tell me where I can find the leader of this operation." 

"Well ma'am, you'd have three to pick from, but I'd say you'd want to visit the drow - the two of you make a fine pair." The goblin eyed me in a way that gave me nasty shivers. "She'll be down the left hall and keep going down. Tell her my apologies for not recognizing you sooner."

"Thank you. Have a blessed day," I said. My friends and I were let in through the giant metal doors and were met by even more sleepy half-drunk gnomes and goblins of differing shapes and sizes. It smelled awful. 

"Was I just hit on by a goblin?" My question made Karlach laugh but she tried to hide it with a cough. 

"Maybe it was drunk?" Wyll offered. 

"It wouldn't have to be drunk to flirt with Tav," Shadowheart said. "She's gorgeous." 

"Yeah, well, of course you would say that, Shadowheart." Gale's tone was spiteful. 

This drew Astarion's attention now. "Wait, excuse me? What is that supposed to mean?" 

"Welcome my children!" A woman's voice called to us from the center of the hall. "I see you have all been touched by the glory of the Absolute! Come, come to me." The ancient looking hag standing before us was adorned with chains and medallions that seemed to hold religious significance of some sort. The marks her body were all the same swirling design. 

"Curious, little one?" She noticed me looking at her tattoos. "I can place the Absolute's mark upon you as well, if you wish." 

I felt her prying into my mind - she had a tadpole as well. This must be the power they were worshipping. I tried to do a bit of exploring myself, reaching out with my mind to peer into her thoughts, but I was hit by a dark wall. 

"Ah ah ah, little one. I have many secrets in there that you aren't yet ready to learn. Come, let's go to my private sanctuary. There, we can talk." 

I sent a single thought to the minds of my friends - we follow and kill her. 

The hag led us up a flight of stairs and down a few dark corridors, all the while humming a small tune to herself. When we made it to her private room, Wyll shut the door behind us and Gale murmured a quiet spell to lock it. 

"Well my loves, would you like to know the true power of The Absolute?" She asked us, holding out her arms in welcome. "These are my private chambers, and we shan't be disturbed. Open your mind to me and let me show you what I've seen." 

"Actually, I have a different plan in mind," I said. 

"Where is the druid Halsin?" Karlach asked.

The hag only laughed and shook her head. Lae'zel drew her sword. 

"I've had enough of waiting." Lae'zel slashed through the hag, leaving a gaping wound through her middle section. She fell to the ground, coughing and spitting up blood and mucous. 

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