Chapter Thirty-Six

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I could hear the murmur of voices outside the tent and my eyes opened warily. With a sleepy hand, I shoved Astarion's bare shoulder to jostle him awake. 

"Mmm go away," he grumbled, turning away from me and snuggling back into his pillow.

I got out of bed and found the rest of my clothes from earlier this morning, then opened the flap of the tent to see the sun shining and a few of my friends sitting around the campfire. I looked back to my sleeping love, then to the people awake outside. I decided to join them instead of forcing Astarion to wake up. 

"Good morning, Tav," Wyll greeted me with a nod of his head. He wore a loose shirt and I saw various bruised markings along his neck and collarbone. Gythyanki sized bruises. As I eyed the hickies, Wyll's cheeks flushed. 

"Lae'zel has agreed to come with me to meet my father along the Sword Coast. I'm not sure what will happen next, but between you and me," Wyll smiled dreamily in Lae'zel's direction. "I'd follow her to the end. I'll join her creche. Whatever is allowed, I'll do it." He clasped me on the shoulder and pulled me close. "I have you to thank for this happiness. You've led us to a cure, to Baldur's Gate, and toward our futures. Thank you, Tav." 

I was sure that my eyes were shiny with tears. I pulled Wyll in for a hug and squeezed his broad shoulders, hoping that this wasn't a goodbye. 

The morning went on like normal, with the others slowly waking and grabbing coffee or food from our stash. Astarion eventually emerged from his tent, hair immaculately done and wearing an impressive maroon outfit with puffed sleeves. When he caught my eye, the smile that brightened his face nearly stopped my heart. Shadowheart stood next to me, hand on my shoulder, expression solemn. 

"Promise me that we'll see each other again," she spoke softly. I took her hand and held it to my chest. 

"I give you my word, Shadowheart," I replied. "As soon as life slows down a bit, I'll send for you. All of you."

"I'll hold you to it," Karlach said between sobs, fully crying and wiping at the tears on her red cheeks. Shadowheart went to her and offered a shoulder to cry on. Lae'zel came up to me, fully dressed in armor, expression almost ... saddened. 

"It's been an honor to fight by your side. May Vlaakith light your way." 

"And to you as well," I offered, not sure what the proper response was. Lae'zel nodded curtly and turned away from me, going to stand next to Wyll. Gale stepped forward and we both stood there, waiting. 

"I wish you the best, Tav," he murmured to me. 

"What will you do, Gale?" I asked.

"Hopefully, regain Mystra's favor. Then, perhaps I'll pursue a life of teaching. Maybe I'll get married and settle down - pop out a few grandchildren for my mother to fawn over." 

I closed the distance between us and hugged him tightly, tears falling down my face and melting into his tunic. A deep laugh rumbled through him. Gale put a finger to my chin and lifted my face to meet his. 

"No tears, sweet lady," He chided, swiping at my cheeks with his thumb. "We'll see each other again." Gale smiled down at me before casting his gaze to Astarion. "Take care of her - or I'll smite you with the full concentrated power of the Weave." 

Astarion chuckled but his deep crimson eyes were solemn. "I will. For as long as I exist." 

In between goodbyes, the group packed their things and gathered their belongings. Before long the entire campsite was gone, as if we had never been there at all. I hugged my comrades, wishing them all the best, before going back to Astarion. We each carried a pack and I held my painting in hand, still covered from the outside world's eyes.  

"Are you ready for the next adventure?" I asked him. 

"Aeterna amantes." Astarion leaned forward and kissed me. 

"What does that mean?"

"Lovers forever," he replied, then smiled softly. "Until the world falls down. I'm with you every step of the way." 


We made our way to Baldur's Gate - more specifically to Lower City Central - and I took in the sights. We passed Sorcerers Sundries, The Blushing Mermaid, and eventually made our way back to Cazador's palace. I was unsure of the layout of the city so Astarion was our guide. 

"Why are we here?" I asked, staring up at the palace's spires. 

"Because I was the first of Cazador's spawn and because all the others are wandering in the Underdark, this is rightfully mine," Astarion explained. "This horrible place and everything in it. Therefore, we can stay here while we plan things out." 

"Are you sure you're okay with staying ... here?" I searched his face for any sign of discomfort but saw none. 

"This palace has been my prison for so long," Astarion said, "But now that I'm free from Cazador, this place can no longer hurt me. We can make it our own." 

We entered the palace once again, but this time, I had the time to marvel at the artwork and artifacts hanging on the walls and antiques lining every hall. The plush red carpet and beautiful stone flooring must have been worth hundreds of thousands of pounds of gold alone. Astarion led us up some stairs and down a hall, then opened a gorgeous Mahagony door to a bedroom the size of my mother's entire upstairs. 

I set down my things and flopped myself onto the bed, reveling in the soft mattress and smell of clean linen. I watched Astarion close the door and make his way across the room to a different door adjacent to the bed and open it, revealing a washroom. 

"Gods, I've missed having a bathtub," he sighed. Astarion disappeared from my sight as he ventured into the washroom, then I heard the sound of water running. Grinning, I stripped myself out of my clothes and crept toward the sound. 

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