Chapter Twenty-Five

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We made our way quickly through the shadows of the Underdark, reaching the cave to the upper cities in just a few short hours. When we entered the cave, the long climb upwards left us breathless and sweaty, the moisture clinging to our skin in the humid air. I could see a sliver of sunlight cascading through the entrance just a bit above us and I knew we were nearly there. 

"I can hear the birds!" Karlach cried out with joy. "I was beginning to miss the sunshine." 

"The sun will always be waiting for you Karlach," Gale responded. "No matter how deep we travel, the light will always be there." 

"Enough chatting." Lae'zel's admonishment silenced the group, save for the short breaths and gulps of air that we took while climbing. 

Finally, my hands reached the rocky surface above the Underdark - the entrance to the giant cave that we had just ventured through - and the exit to the hellhole that we were still stuck in. I felt my anxiety sky-rocket as I climbed to the top. The last time I had made it this far out of the Underdark was only a few weeks ago and my newfound freedom had seemed too good to be true. Of course, only a few days later I was abducted by mindflayers. So much for good fortune. 

"Gods, that feels good," Astarion groaned, walking toward the midmorning sunshine and stretching his body out like a cat in a windowsill. I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh air. Our moods all seemed to improve the moment we reached above ground because even Lae'zel smiled as her metal boots sank into the soft grass and earth. 

"To Rivington?" Gale asked me. 

"One step closer to home!" Wyll exclaimed. "It will be good to see my people and father again. Lae'zel, you must meet him, you'd get along swimmingly." 

"It would be an honor to meet the ruler of the Sword Coast," Lae'zel replied. 

"What say you?" Astarion stood by my side and tucked a stray curl behind my pointed ear. "Onward?" 

I nodded, struck silent by such a casual display of affection. That wicked smile of his grew as he leaned in close enough to whisper in my ear. 

"Once we reach Rivington and set up camp, you're mine. All mine. The rest of the night. Understood?"

I nodded once again, heart sputtering and thoughts reeling. "Let's make for Rivington now and we'll be there before nightfall. It's only a few miles down the road." 

A general agreement was muttered and we found our footing once again. The day was gorgeous, with birds singing and various wildlife chittering in the bushes and trees. No clouds were visible to ruin the crystal clear sunlight streaming down on us. 


Within the next few hours we had made it to the small town. The people were wary of us, our strange band of travelers, and we received many odd glances from the townsfolk. I was used to the strange looks - it wasn't often that people saw a drow up here and it was even rarer to meet a drow that wasn't trying to kill you.

While Gale and Astarion went off with what money we had to trade around, the rest of us began to set up camp. Lae'zel and I searched for firewood and I took this opportunity to ask her a question that had been nagging at me. 

" Are you and Wyll ... you know... seeing each other? At all?" I asked her. 

Lae'zel gave me a blank look - she didn't understand my phrasing. 

"Lae'zel, are you and Wyll having sex?" I tried again. 

This got a reaction. Her nostrils flared and the tiniest bit of color lightened her cheeks. "No. He has not invited me to his bed."

"Would you go if he asked?" I pressed further. 

"Wyll has qualities that I find admirable. He is made stupid by his willingness to serve those around him, but he follows his duty above all else." Lae'zel's grip tightened on the wood logs she held. "I long to taste him. I want to touch him. It is becoming insatiable, this need for him." 

I tried to push through the awkwardness of this encounter and instead focus on helping a friend. "Why not ask him?

Lae'zel glared thoughtfully at me. "We shall see, drowling. This has been most informative. My thanks to you."  

"Yeah, it's no problem." I shrugged. When we got back to camp we dumped the wood in a pile near the center, huffing deep breaths from the struggle of carrying such weight. I watched with a smile on my face as Lae'zel strode to where Wyll was, hunched over a map and some books, and saw the way his eyes brightened as he beheld her. Lae'zel said something to him - I couldn't make it out - but the hunger that immediately consumed Wyll's entire posture made it easy to guess. 

"What's that all about?" Shadowheart's voice came from next to me. 

"I just gave them a small nudge, that's all." I shrugged once again. "Maybe I'll start a matchmaking business in Baldur's Gate. I've been pretty successful so far with our little group."

"I'll say," Karlach said, coming up and wrapping her strong arms around Shadowheart's waist. "If you hadn't recruited me, I'd be stuck fighting paladins and running from Wyll the rest of my days." 

"You've truly changed our lives for the better, Tav. I know tadpoles in our brains isn't exactly ideal," Shadowheart said. 

"You can say that again," I interjected. 

"But with all that we've gone through together, and with the cure so close, I wouldn't have it any other way." 

"That's nice of you to say, Shadowheart," I said. Her words touched my heart. "I'm glad to have met all of you - and to have gained your trust and companionship."

When Gale and Astarion arrived just a few moments later, their arms were full of supplies and different baskets of food. 

"Where did you find all of this?" I asked, rushing over and helping to carry what I could. 

"Turns out pretty boy and I make an exceptional bargaining duo," Gale grumbled. 

"I could do without the sass, Gale." Astarion drawled back. "My darling, would you take this and put it wherever you and I will be tonight?" He handed me a bottle of wine and some delicious looking berries. "I wasn't sure what you liked so I chose the best of what we could find." 

"That's so kind of you, Astarion." Shadowheart said, but it was almost more of a question. 

"Yes, it is. Thank you," I murmured, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. I went to where I had put my things and set down the wine and berries among the bed rolls and my charcoal. If we were spending the entire night in one tent, I wanted to do some drawing while we were together.  

I went back to the others and helped hand out the food as we all sat by the, now blazing, campfire, knowing tonight was going to be full of fun for everyone - except maybe Gale. 

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