Chapter Two

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I turned around thinking about what just happened and how angry that

boy makes me and wondering how I was ever best friends with him. I

mean, he wasn't all annoying before we broke up. He was always aware

of me and my beliefs and my opinions. He cared about what I cared

about and he knew my pet peeves and tried his hardest never to do


A half sigh/half scream escaped me before I could stop it and I

suddenly heard a knock on the other side of my car. I look up and see

Beck standing on the other side with a curious look on his face. I

shake my head before speaking so I could give myself a chance to calm


"You still having problems with him? I though you guys were done." his

deep masculine voice shocked me yet again as it does every time.

"We are done. He just said some things that pissed me off and he wants my

help with something apparently. He must not get the fact that I

really don't want to talk to him after what he did." I feel myself

start to blush under his steady gaze with those deep, beautiful,

emerald eyes.

"I get you. Do you want me to deal with him? Seeing him have this effect

on you really just. . . it hits a nerve of mine. I've been itching to

get my hands on him ever since I found out what he did." I could

see his strong jaws clench together.

"You know how I feel about fighting, Beck." I say with a warning tone.

"I know, I know. You don't want me fighting because it can get me kicked

out of this school, and it could hurt me or someone else, and it

isn't helpful in anyway. Yada yada yada." he says exasperatedly.

"But you know how I feel about protecting you and before you say

anything to me about how you don't need me to protect you, I just

want to say that I'm always going to feel the need to protect you. I

know how I feel towards you, and I know why I won't say how I feel

and I know you don't want me to say it because you still have Phillip

to deal with, but I'm always going to feel this way." I stare at

him for a second speechless. Where

did that come from, I

think. I feel a thousand different emotions running through me at

once. Anger, love, happiness, curiosity, frustration. All at the same

time, just from his few words.

"Beck, I need to get home. . ." I say thinking of how my dog must feel

right now. I look around the parking lot and don't see his car or his

friends anywhere. "Do you need a ride or something?" I look up at


He looks around the parking lot to see if anyone of his friends is there

to give him a ride. "Yea, I guess I do. Do you mind?" I shake my

head and unlock my doors. We climb in the car and we leave the

school. Thankfully, the radio was already on, so we didn't have to

sit in awkward silence or have a painfully serious conversation.

I turn around the corner onto his street and see an ambulance in his

driveway. I speed up a little at his sharp intake of breath and the

way he sits up straight and out his hand on the door. I stop behind

the ambulance and put the car in park. We both jump out the car and

beginrunning towards the house. He's lived here his entire life with

just him and his mother. His mother had been best friends with my

mother ever since we moved here. She was the first person who my

mother met. I hadn't known she had a son until two years ago when he

shadowed me at my school.

We push the door open and run into the house and follow the sound of

voices to the kitchen. I gasp at the sight and hope I never see

anything like it ever again.

A Test of Love, Affection, and the Demonic.Where stories live. Discover now