Chapter Twelve

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Again guys, thank you so much for the votes and reads. Please continue to comment to let me know what to do better and please share this with your friends and peeps and such. Let me know what you think is going to happen and if you think I should make this into a series. Thanks peeps. Love you, lovlies!

Beck collapsed on the edge of my bed and looked at me to begin talking. The scarlett vapor came out with a tint of green for nervousness in it. When it hit me, I could feel almost a slimy gooey feeling all over me. Almost as if someone were pouring jelly all over my body.

"Have you noticed anything weird happening? And weird feelings or sensations?" I asked him. God, I hope he doesn't think I'm crazy. Okay, well, maybe I am. But just a little.

"You mean besides sadness, and depression, and nothing, right?" I nodded. "No, not really. What did Philip want? I heard you talking to him a few minutes ago."

I took a deep breath, preparing for him to get up and leave calling me crazy.

"Okay, this is going to sound insane, I promise. But it's true, every last bit of it." He let out a deep breath and nodded for me to continue. I relay the rest of the story to him about what Philip had done with Darcy and how I had to teach a demon to love somehow before she did.

"Call me crazy if you want to, but it's all true. you can call Philip and even Darcy if you want to." I turned my back on him, ready for the whips to be slashed upon my back with insults of insanity and disgust. I busied myself with spreading an air mattress out on the floor so as to ignore the odd stare he was no doubt giving me. It's very odd trying to lay something out while having a feeling of slime all over you. It's like you don't want to get any of the slime on the bed, but there's no slime to begin with, only the sensations of it. 

I looked down at my feet and watched the vapor turn from a very beautiful mixture of scarlett and green to a more beige color. I feel a sensation kind of similar to  thousand tiny wings fluttering all over my skin. No, it was not like a gentle, soft breeze, but more related to an itching that never stops. Anxiety. 

"My mother once told me that I should believe those I love the most no matter how crazy or insane the situation is. I believe you. What color is the  . . . vapor . . . now?" 

"Kind of beige with a little bit of orange in it."

"Anxiety and curiosity." 

I nodded. "Feels like insistent butterfly wings and a little bit of pinching. But, anyways, I need to know if you know anything that could help us figure this out."

Beck thought for a second and i took that time to blow up and make the rest of his bed on the floor of my room. When I was finished I sat down beside him, waiting patiently for him to speak. "My mom, she has- had-  a book. It's full of pagan shit and demon information. That could probably tell you where to find a demon. I don't know if it says anything about teaching them how to love, but it's worth a shot. Right?" he places a hand on my knee and I can feel it trembling. He was probably exhausted.

"Give me the key to your house. I'll sneak out tonight and get it." He handed me his keys and told me where the book was.

"Be careful, Sierra. Be safe." He kissed my forehead and sent chills down my spine. I watched the vapor turn to a dull pink with gray streaks. Love? And worry.

"Rest, Beck. You can sleep in my bed until I get back if you want. It's a little more comfortable than that air mattress." I look at him. He nods and moves to lay down beneath the wrinkled silk sheets. I sat on the edge of the bed for a few more moments, facing away from him. Suddenly, I feel the vapor change to a different feeling. Lonely. Right when I feel it, I also feel Beck's warm, strong hand pull me down to him. He hugs me to him and I turn around so I can hold him when I feel him start to shake from tears.

I held him crying in my arms and dealt  with the stinging navy blue pain or about two hours before he eventually cried himself to sleep. Once I was sure he was asleep, I quietly grabbed his keys and tiptoed out the back door. Before I did, I checked to make sure my mother was safe asleep, just like Beck.

I walked to my car and put the keys in the ignition. My heart sank. No gas. I stepped out of the car and began walking towards his house. Thankfully, the moon was high and bright that night and the sky had not one cloud in sight. The moon lit my path all the way to his house.

Once I reached his house, got through the police tape, and had grabbed the book, the moon had not changed a single bit. I put the book in my bag and began walking again. After a few minutes, i began to notice how eerily quiet the night had become. I heard something behind my back, the sound similar to a shoe grinding against rocks. I turned and looked. At first, I couldn't see anything, but not trusting my eyesight at a first glance, I looked harder. 

In the distance, about maybe fifty or sixty yards behind me, I could barely make out a figure. It seemed to be dressed in all black, but then again, it could have just been the shadow cast from the moon onto the person. Sudden fear shook throughout me. I could hear the laughter, a deep cackling noise.

"You have to change it. Or it all ends with you." I could barely make out the sentence. I blinked and squinted into the distance at the figure. I could see its body shaking with laughter. Then. . . 

I ran.  

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