Chapter Thirteen

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*I'm sorry I haven't been writing as much. I've been trying to spend as much time with my significant other as I can with school and him living an hour away. The clinginess is real with us. :) But again, thank you for all of the reads and votes, but please, please, please, give me your opinions on this. I need to know if you guys even want me to continue this. Thank you to those who have given an opinion and to those who've continued to read. Please, Like, Share, Vote, and Comment any tips or things that stood out to you. 

I feel my heart pounding in my chest, my ears, my skull. My feet stomp against the pavement and I fight the urge to scream. I hear heavy steps running close behind me. My bag hits my hip with every step I take, almost knocking me off balance with every tap. The figure gets close enough to where I can hear every breath, every single pant he makes.

I push myself harder than I ever have before. I have to get away, I think to myself. I have to end this. I cross the street and run onto the road my house sits on. I hear the figure still close behind me and I feel panic building up in my chest making tears come to my eyes. 

"Wait!" it hisses. Terror sneaks up on my and I allow a small cry to escape me. "Oh, no!" I hear it hiss again. It grabs my shoulder and I scream as it pulls me into its arms. I fight against it pushing it away from me and shoving myself against its arms. Its scratchy clothes rub against my arms, my face. Disgusting me. I scream and begin hitting whatever my arms can reach. Pounding and slapping against its chest and neck. Why is this thing so big, I think. Its torso feels as broad as a truck and he stands a good foot taller than me. It's got me. I'm stuck. I'm overwhelmed. I sob and continue to hit against it. It holds me tighter and limits my movements with one of its massive arms. 

I continue to struggle for a few more measly seconds before defeat sets in. I find myself sobbing into who or whatever has me, quietly giving up all hope of making it home again. I become slightly more aware of my attacker's actions. I feel a huge hand petting the back of my head . . . comforting me?

"What do you want?" I sniff,  but I refuse to look up in fear that I may anger whatever this is. I feel an overwhelming sense of evil, yet I feel a sense of loneliness coming from this giant.  It hugs me then pushes me arms-length away.

"I wish to apologize first of all. I did not intend to cause you fear." It speaks as if it were ancient, a deep masculine voice, void of almost all emotion except sadness, designed to shake cores. Almost nothing about this character is modern. A long leather trench coat is draped across its broad shoulders covering a dark charcoal grey suit with a red tie tied tightly in a knot around its thick neck. A dark fedora sat on top of its head, covering its face from my view. 

"Who are you? What are you?" I asked, trying to get a clear view of its head. It towers over me, making me feel microscopic and defenseless. 

"My name is Irritum. But you may call me Dante, seeing as that is a name associated quite often with my kind and I find myself quite fond of that name." It hesitates as if expecting me to introduce myself to it. I decide to keep my identity hidden, even though I have a sneaking suspicion this thing already knows everything it needs to know about me. "I am a demon, in case you do not recognize my name." I feel a weight drop in my chest. 

"Am I supposed to know who you are?"

"I am the demon of nothingness. Of depression and emptiness." It takes  step toward me. "I am your 'assignment'." It looks away and I catch a glimpse of amber eyes. The same color as a sunset set in a skin as dark as a shadow. In fact,  when hidden by the hat, it seemed to blend in with the shadow, as if nothing were there. Nothingness. 

"My 'assignment'?" I ask.

"Yes, Sierra. The book you carry inside that bag of yours already foretold my arrival. I came to the conclusion to save you from your troubles of trying to find me on your own. I am the demon of depression. All I've ever know is loneliness, sadness, nothing. I've never desired anything. I've never dreamed or even thought of anything else. I know only this. Yet it is your duty to teach me the ability of love." I lock eyes with him and find myself staring into my own eyes. The exact same shade of amber and orange. The exact same shape. The exact image I see when i glance in a mirror. "Thankfully, I've given you a headstart. Your dear friend you're racing has not yet figured out her rituals and such."

I take a breath. "Where do I even begin?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2016 ⏰

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