Chapter Seven

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We get outside and get in the car with Wilbert in the back seat, hyper as always until he feels our somber auras around him. He lays his head on Beck's shoulder, whining sympathetically. Beck leaned on top of head and closed his eyes. Wilbert snuggled his head into the crook of Beck's neck and closed his eyes, too.

I drive until I reach the intersection that splits my road from his and I stop. I look at him. "Are you okay staying by yourself, or . ..?" I leave my voice fade. He thinks for a minute.

"Would your mother mind if you stayed with me, or vice versa?" he looks at me and I swear I can feel the sadness radiating off him. It's almost as if I can touch it in the air surrounding us.

"I'm sure she-" I start, but something makes me look over at him and I'm no quite sure what I see. A dark blue fog is radiating all over the car from him, enveloping everything it touches. It spreads its way over to me and as soon as it touches me I'm overwhelmed with a very large sense of sadness. I look down at my hands and they seem to almost disappear under the thick fog.

I start to feel a sudden sting all over my body. It starts dull at first, but the longer I sit the more it hurts. I glance over at Beck wondering if he can feel or even see whatever this stuff was. He sits crying looking down at his lap, seemingly oblivious to everything happening right now. I look back at Wilbert sitting in the backseat and he looks back at me whining slightly. So he can feel this stuff,too. I look back at Beck and silently try to figure out how to make this stop. The pain is starting to feel like knives carving into my skin their message of sadness.

I move to place my hand on Beck's shoulder and cringe when the pain intensifies at the small movement. I look at Beck and find he's looking at me. We hold eye contact and the fog starts to change colors. The dark blue fades from a purple to pink. I feel warmth around me and want to look down at myself, but something tells me not to break eye contact.

"Do you see it?" I ask him, afraid of his response. If he does, then he may know what it is, or maybe not, or maybe there's something he doesn't want to tell me. Then again, if he doesn't, I sound crazy to him or something is wrong with me.

"See what?"


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