Chapter Three

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His mother lay on the floor with a puddle of blood surrounding her. Four

paramedics seemed to have pulled a broken pot handle from her neck. I

saw the broken pot laying in the corner and could see where the

handle was ripped from it.

The paramedics lifted her off the ground and carried her outside while

holding a rag over her neck to dull the bleeding. I hear Beck calling

to her and see him running after them.

"Momma! Where are you taking her? What happened?" his voice sounds

shrill and terrified. I find myself frozen in place staring at the

blood on the tiles of their kitchen. It makes the gray tiles look

more burgundy with the blood running over them. I keep finding my

eyes going back to the bloody pot handle and notice how it seems as

if it were pulled on for the longest time. You know when you bend a

paper repeatedly and it rips almost evenly? Yea, it looks like

someone did that with the pot handle.

Did someone kill her? My panicked mind begins to race. I feel my

heartbeat speed up. Who would do this? The room starts

spinning What if she dies? What's Beck going to do? Oh, God!

Beck! I can't see. My body goes numb and I feel my knees get

weak. I swear, if I find out who did this, I'll kill them. I'll-

"Sierra!" I shake myself physically and find myself on the floor with Beck in

front of me, a panicked look on his face. "Are you okay?" His

strong hands grip my shoulders and I feel myself comforted by his

deep, emerald eyes and sweet scent.

I wait for my heartbeat to slow down to normal. "I'm alright." I

glance out the door and notice the ambulance is gone. "Why didn't

you go with them?" I look back at him.

"They wouldn't let me. Said there would be too many people in the back for

me to fit." he looks outside.

"Hey, I can take you there. Don't worry about it. I just have to grab my

dog first." My beautiful white and gray husky, Wilbert, must be

starving right now. He nods and stands. I raise my hands to be helped

up, partially, just an excuse to hold his hand, but he helps me up

and we walk out.

I drive down the road a few houses and get to my house. I tell him to

wait in the car and I'd be out as fast as I could. He nods and I can

hear my dog barking from inside. I run to the door, unlock it and am

immediately tackled by a huge ball of white and gray fluff, named

Wilbert. I laugh a little, but push him off me and run in and grab

his food and a bowl and a leash. I open the car door for him and he

jumps in only to put his front paws on the compartment in between the

two front seats. He turns towards Beck who is staring out the window

and doesn't seem to take any notice of the 120 pound dog sitting

beside him. Wilbert begins to whine frantically when his friend

doesn't look at him.

Beck and Wilbert have shared a strong relationship since the day I found

him as a puppy in my backyard. Wilbert is named after Beck. His full

name is Beckham Wilbert Hilldon. Wilbert was also the only name he

would respond to.

Wilbert's whining became more frantic and worrisome. "Beck?" I call his

name. I still see him staring out the window in the mirrors. I reach

over and slap his shoulder right as Wilbert barks at him. Beck turns

around and is instantly covered by fluff and Wilbert jumps to the

front and sits on his lap while licking his face. I hear Beck

laughing a little and I feel glad that he is able to laugh.

We pull up to the hospital and I run with Beck into the waiting room

after cracking the windows for Wilbert and leaving him a bowl of food

in the back seat. We walk up to the receptionist and ask her what

room his mother was in. She tells us the room and says that we aren't

allowed back, but she would tell the doctor where we were.

We sat down in the waiting room amongst the other families and their

crying children. An old women with snow white hair sat across the

room holding her knees and rocking herself. She was staring right at

me and saying something I couldn't make out. I decide to walk over to

her and ask about it.

A Test of Love, Affection, and the Demonic.Where stories live. Discover now