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Ever since that day.. their father has haunted me in the deepest parts of my dreams.

I still remember everything, and that stupid.. that stupid Beepaw reminds me too much of him.

Ever since I took a full look at him.. I couldn't get his father's face out of my mind. Beepaw looks too much like him, and as he grows more, I see that he's getting more curious.

And more like his father.

"Poppyear, care to go on patrol with us?" Meowed Willowtail, I looked around. "hm? isn't Tansypaw's ceremony soon?" Asked Poppyear, Willowtail shrugged.

"It'll be a quick border patrol, we'll be back before the ceremony." Willowtail explained, and Poppyear gave a deep thought about it.

"Sure." Poppyear said, giving Willowtail a final answer. "Alright, Petalmoon, and Blackskip will join us."

I didn't mind Petalmoon and Blackskip that much, so I was fine with it.

When we went out to patrol, we were just trotting along the borders, sniffing some prey now and then, but we had to remember we weren't on a hunting patrol.

The more silent it became, the more I started to rethink all my actions. Was it wise to run away from Shadowclan with the kittens?

Right.. there weren't just 5 kittens, there were six!

That was the runt of the litter, she was smaller than the rest. Taking a look back, she was kind of like Beepaw's twin. They looked almost exactly identical.

Their cream-colored fur.. the leg stripes, everything was almost the same.

Too bad the kitten didn't fit in the pouch.

When I escaped from Shadowclan to Riverclan, I went through Windclan's territory. That kitten fell out, and I couldn't just wait for a single kit.

So I left them. All I knew was that she had the exact same pelt as Beepaw, and that she was a female.

She might be dead already, but theres always a possibility she might've been raised by rogues. 

Or.. even Windclan?

Poppyear sniffed the grass, then marked the border. "Ive already marked this side." Called out Poppyear.

What if Windclan DID raise her? Oh dear Starclan.. another kitten made by that fox-dung father of theirs.

That looked exactly like HIM? Another one?!

Whatever. She's probably dead already, so it didn't matter.

"The whole border has been checked, right?" Reassured Blackskip, everyone nodded.

"I think so." Commented Willowpelt, and the patrol turned back around to the camp. "We can't miss Tansypaw's ceremony, come on!"

When they arrived, they arrived just on time. Tansypaw became Tansystep, and that was the end of it.

To be fair, Poppyear hadn't been close to Beepaw, Kestrelpaw, Riverpaw, Lavenderpaw, and Lemonpaw.

Poppyear remembered how her own mother didn't even care for her, either.

Poppyear frowned. She's been the worst mother in the forest, hasn't she? She didn't even tell her own kittens about their apprentice ceremony.

It didn't matter. Those kits should learn how to be like me. Independent. I learned how to be independent when I became an apprentice, so why shouldn't they?

If Poppyear was being honest, she was proud of them. They were always bringing in prey, and they put a good reputation on me.

But.. I just couldn't forget they were the kittens of that menace.

Poppyear tucked herself into the moss nest. Ever since she came to Riverclan, it was a bit weird to get used to.

Everything would be wet. The soil, the rocks, even the moss beds were a little damp.

Still, it was better than being in the same clan who killed-


It didnt matter, now, did it?

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