v. she works hard for the money (so you better treat her right)

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this chapter contains warnings for the following: alcohol, sexual harassment, groping, blood, and violence

You don't know what to expect from shopping with Valeria.

In truth, the woman makes you nervous, but Kyle doesn't seem to notice your hesitance. He leads you out to his shiny black car, one that reminds you of the vintage cars your father used to work on, holding the door open for you to slide in.

Kyle keeps your hungover state in mind, giving you control of the radio as he drives to your mystery destination. You find something upbeat, singing along softly as you watch the city pass by through the shade of your sunglasses.

It dawns on you how much of the city you haven't seen. Most, if not all, of your time has been spent in two places: your motel room and the club. You didn't mind when you had first arrived in the city; you had no intentions of staying as long as you have, so you had no desire to go sightseeing.

Now, though...

You never meant to stay this long, but the more time you spend at the club, you find yourself wanting to leave less and less. There was never a plan for where you would end up, only to get as far away as possible.

You may not be as far as you had initially planned, but you have to admit you feel safer than you have in years.

"You alright over there?" Kyle breaks you from your thoughts with a gentle nudge to your arm.


"You just got kind of quiet, is all." You see the smirk grow on his face as he gives you a quick glance. "If you're gonna be sick, I can pull over."

"Don't worry. Your upholstery is safe." You roll your eyes while Kyle snickers as he parks in front of a clothing store reminiscent of the high-end boutiques you used to spend so much time in.

Kyle gets out of the car first, and you finish your coffee in the few seconds it takes for him to walk to your side of the car. He opens the car door for you and walks ahead to get the storefront door for you too. Kyle follows you in as you push your sunglasses up onto your head.

"We're not open!" someone calls out from the back of the store as you walk in.

"It's just us, Val!" Kyle yells back. The click of heels echoes through the store before Valeria appears, a broad smile on her face.

"This is a surprise," Valeria smiles, arms crossed over her chest. She's dressed impeccably, not a single hair out of place. She'd been far drunker than you, yet here she stands, looking as flawless as ever. You swallow down the small knot of jealousy, smiling at her while Kyle wanders to a case of watches.

"Got time for a fitting?" he asks over his shoulder.

"I already have your measurements," Valeria says, brows knitting together in confusion, "why do you need—"

"It's not for me," Kyle laughs, nodding toward you. Valeria turns to you in surprise, eyes roving over your figure as her smile grows into an excited grin.

Like the cat that ate the canary.

She circles you slowly, talking to herself in quiet Spanish, before she slides her perfectly manicured hands around your arm to pull you toward the back of the store.

"Have fun!" Kyle laughs behind you. You turn around to see him heading back out of the store.

"What? Where are you going?"

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