Chapter 5 - Release

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"He flung himself loose into the stars."
― Annie Dillard

The sun began it's descent as (y/n) roamed the streets allowing her thoughts to wander and all too soon she realised the stars were looking down on her. Sam would be having dinner right now and she could have been eating with him.

Large, white homes loomed over her, their lights seeming to glare towards her. (y/n) never liked this side of town, with the lack of individuality, the sameness of every house. She hated it, hoping to never fall into that pit of conformity. 

With a huff and some effort, she managed to turn her back on the strange part of the town, heading towards her end, a place where people didn't feel the need to hide themselves, instead showing the good and the bad. 

Slowly the path got rougher, and sounds of people louder. As she passed one of the many bars of the area, a voice called out to her.

"Shit! (y/n) is that you?" The sound was instantly recognisable with the low tones and rough edges, David Maxwell, the boy from down the road she had helped pass many test with her tutoring.

David himself was tall, taller than (y/n) remembered (or maybe due to the wheelchair) as he spun her around to face him. 

"When the hell did you get into a wheelchair?" The grin across his face was large as he took in the sorry sight of her. "Honestly, if you're fighting people again, at least remember to call me and my guys for back-up, you know the old man and I owe you many favours." 

His smile was infectious as (y/n) couldn't help but allow a small feeling of happiness to mirror his before speaking, "I-I uh, h-had som-e troubles-s again, n-nothing...big." Her voice was still sore even after the 3 weeks but at least she could talk in full sentences again.

Noticing the slight grimace of pain when (y/n) talked, David had an idea, "Well, if you've got no plans for the rest of your night, my boys and I were going to... relax while checking the quality of a recent shipment and I'm sure they'd be happy to have you join."

She didn't have plans, but should she really join them tonight? After everything?

Fuck it. You only live once.

With a small nod, (y/n) allowed David to wheel her pass the two bouncers outside of the bar, all the way into the back area and (y/n) felt herself begin to relax as the warmth of the room began to sink into her bones. She'd be safe here, protected by the Maxwell's men and it wouldn't be the first time she had spent a night with them. Finally, she let a proper smile break onto her face.

Time passed by in swirls of colours as the warmth only grew within (y/n) and as laughter made itself known to her. If only it could've lasted, but they were interrupted by one of the bouncers from outside as he came up between David and her.

"I'm sorry to annoy you sir, but there is someone outside, keeps saying he's here to see (y/n). That he saw her while she was in his neighbourhood. Looks like a little rich boy." 

With a sigh, David turned to her, a sad smile on his lips, "Sorry (y/n), but do you mind if we head out there and see who it is that seems to be stalking you?"

A small giggle left (y/n) as she lightly slapped David's shoulder, "No one would stalk me! I mean come on, have you seen me? I'd pass on--" She stopped mid sentence, her mind flicking to Sam, "a...actually, this might not be the first time."

"Oh? Then I guess we should actually go check. Put this guy in his place maybe?" David's face seemed to harden with an unspoken threat that sent a shiver down (y/n)'s spine.

She tried to smile up at him as he got up, "No, no. No need to hurt this one if it's the guy I'm thinking of. Let's just go find out, yeah?"

David gripped onto her wheelchair and begun following the bouncer out of the backroom. Looking at his hands however, it was clear his grip was too tight, with the whites of his knuckles catching her attention. 

Outside, the other bouncer had a body pinned to the ground. At the sound of her wheelchair, and her companions foot steps, the boy looked up. (y/n)'s heart got caught in her throat, not only was it Sam but he was hurt, there was a cut on his cheek and some bruising on his neck.

"Not the way I wanted to catch up to you, I'll be honest, but uh, hey (y/n)!" His grin was wobbly as he gazed up and focused on her.


Well, I'm separating the previous chapter 5 and expanding on it a bit more, so hopefully we will get a bit more out of it this time! 

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