Chapter 2 - Stay Away

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'Nobody owes anybody a living, but everybody is entitled to a chance.' -Jack Dempsey

Eyes blurred from tears, (y/n)'s fight or flight systems kicked in as she struggled under the weight pressing down on her. If she got away she might actually have a chance to leave this god forsaken world.

"Hey, hey... shhh, just calm down." The light whispers came from on top of her, Sam. A boy she had never really talked to, was pinning her down.

"Holy crap that was fast Sam," The voice of a tired Colby grew closer.

(y/n) stopped her struggling, there wouldn't be any chance of escape with both boys here. 

The weight on (y/n)'s back lessened as Sam spoke again, a tone of worry laced in his voice. "I'm going to get up, please don't run. We only want to talk, I swear."

 Staying were she was, Sam got up. He looked down at her and put out a hand to help her up.

As he reached out however, (y/n) flinched. That flinch made Sam's face flash with more worry and sadness for this stranger before him.

Without touching Sam, (y/n) got up from the ground and stood facing him. She was almost lost in his pale blue eyes when Colby (who she had forgotten was there) spoke up.

"What are we supposed to talk about Sam?"

Sam broke eye contact with (y/n), "That's, right! How would you (y/n) like to stay at our place for a couple nights?" 

"Wait what?! Don't you think you should ask me before you offer things like that Sam?!" Colby yelled.

Taking the opportunity of their argument, (y/n) made a break for it.

She ran and ran away from the boys and further into the dark underbelly of the city where her home was located.

Slowing to a stop in front of the decaying wooden home she began to rethink her plan. What if her father was home? She didn't want to deal with that..... But she couldn't exactly go back to the boys and she didn't know if there were any more places to jump in her area.

Taking a deep breaths she began to open the fly screen door into the house. Instantly she was hit with the smell of alcohol, piss, sweat and sex. Maybe her father was out?

All she had to do was cross the rubbish filled room and make it to her room, the only room with a sturdy lock. It had taken her ages to get that lock, lots of tutoring the boy down the road.

She had nearly made it when a firm hand grabbed her and picked her up before tossing her down on the hard floor. (y/n) heard a crack and a shock of pain went down her back as she let out a scream.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!! YOU KILLED MY WIFE!! I'LL SHOW YOU A REASON TO SCREAM!!" When he opened his mouth spit and the smell of vodka flew out.

"P-please, I didn't do it! I swear! Please, please just stop!" Tears were running down her cheeks as she lay on the ground in pain.

Her father just spat down at her, his balding head red with rage.

He bent down and picked up a small silver bat, the one they played with before her mother died.

"I. SAID. SHUT. THE. HELL. UP." Her father raised the bat up high before swinging it down onto her ribs, making (y/n) cry out in pure pain.

"Shit, I missed." The whisper was all she heard before the bat was bought down on her head and the abyss of unconsciousness swallowed her whole.


Guess what! I'm back with another update! So you'd better vote or else I'll track you down and make you drink water today!


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