Chapter 3 - Bent

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"The oak fought the wind and was broken, the willow bent when it must and survived."

― Robert Jordan

A small consistent beeping painfully echoed in (y/n)'s skull, annoying her to the point she forced her eyes open to locate and silence it. She took in the unfamiliar room around her, with it's almost blinding white walls, and it's slight smell of chemicals. That's when her eyes fell on the boy asleep in the frail plastic chair next to her.

Soft, sandy hair laid upon an almost boyish, gentle face and (y/n) couldn't help but let out a small gasp. At the sound, Sam's eyes fluttered open, his pale blue eyes met (y/n)'s and a slight grin formed on his face before he spoke, "Oh! You're finally awake! Honestly, I was starting to get worried after the third day."

Examining Sam closer, it was clear that his rumpled clothes and the small bags under his eyes meant the words he spoke were true. 

(y/n)'s heart rate picked up. She had been asleep for 3 days? Sam had been here 3 days? How was that possible? 

With much effort, (y/n) slowly repositioned herself to sit up, beginning to question Sam. That's when the pain hit. 

Flaring up, a sharp burning sensation expanded from her ribcage making her cough instead of talk as the memories of a few nights ago hit her like a train. Her. Her Father. The baseball bat.

Another warmth was on her shoulder-- Sam. His hand gently held her, worry evident on his face, "I know it hurts, the Doctor that was in here early said that you'll be in quite a bit of pain for awhile. That you should use these--" He offered her a pen and paper, "instead of trying to speak." 

Slowly, (y/n) reached out, taking the items from Sam. For a brief moment their hands touched, and a small spark raced up (y/n)'s arm as she tried to gather her thoughts.

It took a bit to figure out the best questions to ask but (y/n) narrowed it down and begun writing it quickly before showing it to her hospital companion.

'You said after 3 days, how long have I been out?'

Sam's face fell a bit , his hand moving to the back of his neck as he answered, "Around... 5 days."

A heavy silence draped itself over the two. 5 days. (y/n) felt her heart plummet with fear. What if her Father had noticed her absence? What would he do to her this time? Wait. Her father. Surely he didn't bring her here?

In a rush (y/n) wrote down something else for Sam.

'How did I get here?'


Then a cough, before Sam spoke, "So... this will sound weird, and mildly stalker-ish but after what happened on the hill... and what was said... I was worried and I, sorta, maybe..." his voice got quieter, "followed you home?"

(y/n)'s eyebrows shot up. He followed her home?! She began scribbling out more questions but was interrupted by a new voice before she could show them to Sam.

"Oh Sammmmmmmy, look! She's finally awake! That's amazing! We can head home now that she'll be able to chat with the doctors and nurses by herself! Did you let them know that she's up yet?" 

The woman's voice itself was high pitched, annoying and too sugary sweet, it made (y/n) feel sick in her stomach. (y/n) felt worse when the woman flounced over and attached herself to Sam's arm. 

He didn't seem to enjoy it either, he face falling as he answered her question, "I should go do that, and probably find Colby as well... I don't know where he wandered off to. Would you mind staying here and watching (y/n) while I'm gone?" 

The pit in (y/n)'s stomach grew as the woman's sicken sweet smile turned on her and words like silk tumbled from her mouth, "Of course dear, anything for my boyfriend.

With that, she let him go and Sam left the room, leaving (y/n) alone with her. She glared at the less fortunate girl and let what sounded like a hiss escape her lips, "You will stay away from him. You don't need to bring MY Sam down to your level. All you'd do is hurt him anyway." She let out another hiss, "Now be a good little pile of dirt while I wait for them away from your disgusting presence since you're ruining my inner vibes."

Sam's girlfriend tossed her dark hair over her shoulder before strutting out of the room, leaving (y/n) to process everything with silence as her only companion. 


I just want to say, while the physical appearance of the girlfriend in this story is similar to Katrina Stuart, I have no hate or disrespect for her. She is an amazing, brilliant artist and deserves the best.

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