Chapter 6 - Determination

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"There's only one way to succeed in anything, and that is to give it everything."

- Vince Lombardi

(y/n) didn't even notice she was standing, or that she had dropped to her knees and gently grabbed Sam's face to look at the cut on his cheek. 

A deep sigh from behind her and David spoke, "Get off the kid Barry, he barley looks like he could hurt a fly and (y/n) clearly knows him."

Slowly, unsure, the bouncer got off of Sam, bringing (y/n) back to reality as she yanked her hands back from his face in a sudden movement.

A slightly pained sound could be heard as Sam let his face find the ground.

Still riding the high from the night, (y/n) turned to David, "I don't suppose you could give me a quick hand to get him home?" 

With the combination of his cocked head, and questioning gaze, the following words that left David's mouth made (y/n) blush, "You... know where his home is? I'm guessing he isn't JUST a stalker then?"

The heat growing across (y/n)'s cheeks became burning, "I-I ah... I know the basic location... besides I'm sure Sam can help a bit!"

In response another small groan came from the beaten up angel as he tried to hold a thumbs up in their direction.

Long, and deep, was the sigh that left David as he came closer and knelt next to (y/n), "You're going to owe me big time, you know that right?"

Without thinking, (y/n) threw her arms around David with a smile dancing over her face, "Thank you!!"

"Now... as for you..." In one swift movement David managed to swoop Sam up into a bridal style hold, "You'd better not pass out before we get you home or I swear I will just drop you in a ditch."

A few grumbles came from Sam as he fought against David before giving in, "You know I can walk fine right? They just... hit me a little bit..."

David let out a dismissive snort, "Yeah sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if Barry," he nodded his head towards the bouncer, "gave you a concussion, and since (y/n) seems to give a damn about ya, I'm gonna play it safe on this one bud."

Another small grin found it's way onto (y/n)'s lips at the comment as she slowly but steadily got back into the wheelchair -- already feeling the sting in her legs from her earlier movement. 

There was something hilarious about seeing Sam, this golden angel, bundled up in David's large well-toned arms, it was almost the same as a recent book she had read about a bodyguard and his prince. At the thought (y/n) coughed as an image from later in the book popped into her mind. She knew David was gay but maybe Sam swung that way too? Sure he had a girlfriend but he could easily be bisexual... the thoughts swirled in (y/n)'s head as a pang of, what could only be described as jealousy, sang through her. 

She must have been showing it on her face as David gave a little bump to her chair, getting her attention before smiling and then shaking his head, mouthing I won't.

"Hey so... my head is really starting to spin guys if we could please, maybe start moving?" The pain in Sam's voice bought her fully back to reality as (y/n) let out another cough.

"Right, right!" (y/n) began to roll herself back in the direction she had met Sam earlier, "this way I guess David."

With another nod, David followed behind, a slightly out of it Sam still gripped in his arms. 

It wasn't until they had crossed back into the fancier side of town that David broke the heavy silence that had settled over the group. "So... Sam... living in a nice place huh?"

Sam's head rolled around to give a curious look over at David, "I uh, I mean not to fancy, it took a lot to get here and I share with a friend of mine."

"A friend huh? She cute?"

(y/n) felt another small pang, did Sam have even more women in his life that she'd have to deal with? Would they be as bad as his partner?

A bright, bell-like laugh bought her attention back to the conversation as a small grin broke Sam's face, "Sorry dude, not a girl living with me, it's my friend Colby. (y/n)'s met him, he's pretty nice when you get to know him."

"That's pretty cool still, imagine having a place up this end, I bet you have a LOT of rules to follow with your HOA and like, loads of requirements."

Another laugh fell from Sam's lips, "You have no idea! They have exact measurements for the front grass. The GRASS!"

"Speaking of homes... any of these yours yet?" 

Sam's head flicked around before landing on a larger home at the end of one of the streets, "Oh! Yeah! That one!!"

It was clear by his voice that he would probably pass out soon, and (y/n) was grateful that David had kept him talking up until they had found his home. 

Only a few minutes had passed as the group made their way to the home but somehow Sam had still managed to fall into a slumber, sometimes a tiny little snore escaped him.

With a sigh, (y/n) made her way up to the door preparing herself for what she should say to explain all of... this. 


Honestly, how would you explain a passed out Sam to Colby? Would you tell him the truth? Would you soften the blow?

Don't forget to vote! 

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