Chapter 16

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Rimuru: "Before anything else, you were asleep for 4 days."

Shizue: "I didn't expect that to be that long."

Rimuru: "After Kage treated you, you evolved into a saint."

Shizue: "A saint, you say? That's unexpected, Rimuru. I never imagined undergoing such an evolution.

Rimuru: "Indeed, your evolution was quite remarkable. Kage mentioned that your body needed time to adapt to the changes. He also mentioned some new abilities and skills that you might have gained. Have you had a chance to explore them yet?"

Shizue: "Not entirely, Rimuru. I can feel a surge of power within me, but it's as if I need to attune myself to it. It's overwhelming yet intriguing. What about the others? How is everyone doing?"

Rimuru: "Well, the village is bustling with activity.There have been no major conflicts, and we've been living in harmony. You've been a topic of interest for everyone lately."

Shizue: "I appreciate the concern, Rimuru. I suppose I have a lot to catch up on."

Rimuru: "Don't worry, Shizue. You're not alone in this. We're all here to support you. And besides, there's something else you should know. There have been some unexpected developments around us during your slumber."

Shizue: "Surprises, you say? I'm curious. Fill me in, Rimuru."

Rimuru: "Well, let's take a walk. I'll catch you up on everything that has happened in the past few days."

As I helped Shizue to her feet, the two began to stroll through the serene surroundings. The tranquility of the forest enveloped us, and the gentle rustling of leaves provided a soothing melody.

Rimuru: "Ah, speaking of which, I just realized something. I haven't felt hunger since I reincarnated into this world, but now, I think I can finally eat."

Shizue: "Eat? That's wonderful news, Rimuru. It seems like your journey has truly taken a positive turn."

I grinned, realizing the significance of this newfound ability.

As I and Shizue continued our stroll, we encountered Gobta and Rigurd, who were on their way to greet Shizue.

Gobta: "Rimuru-sama! Shizue-sama! It's good to see you awake and well!"

Rigurd: "Indeed! Your recovery is a cause for celebration, Shizue-sama. We were just on our way to find you."

Shizue: "Thank you, Gobta, Rigurd. It's good to be awake. Rimuru has been filling me in on what happened during my slumber. Oh, there's no need for such formality, Rigurd and Gobta."

Rigurd: "Hold on, Shizue-sama. I understand your humility, but your position is extraordinary. Kage-sama said that you can be the Queen of our country in the future."

This statement makes Shizue and Rimuru caught off guard and now they are both blushing. Meanwhile, gobta is eyeing them with mischievous looks. To avoid the topic Rimuru is the first one to shift the topic to avoid more embarrassment.

Rimuru: "Actually, speaking of celebration, Rigurd, I just realized something. I haven't felt hunger since I reincarnated into this world, but now, I think I can finally eat."

Rigurd: "Is that so? Well, Rimuru-sama, this calls for a celebration! How about a party to commemorate Shizue's safe recovery and your newfound ability?"

Gobta: "A party? Count me in! We can gather everyone and make it a grand celebration."

Rimuru: "Sounds like a great idea, Rigurd. Let's make it a joyful occasion. Shizue, what do you think?"

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