Chapter 2: Peaceful Beginings {Aeolus}

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Home. I haven't been here in a while. Nightlight and Coralstinger drop us off by the Enchantment fountain then they glide over to coo at the hatchlings in the hatchery nearby.

"Well, let's head to the market ships" Dev sighs.

She pulls out her coin pouch and turns to the purple dragon treasure statue.

"May the deity bless us with something good"

The girl who was trailing behind us crashes before us as her Fairy turns and goes to Nightlight. Nightlight spots her and happily glides to her. Coralstinger trails behind.

"What was her name again?" Dev asks.

"She didn't give it to me" I shrug.

We both help her up.

"The name is Luna and by the high priest are you 2 insane?!"

"A little" Dev shrugs.

"What did you do to my precious Morningdew?"

"Us? Do anything? No! Dev did we do something?" I ask jokingly.

"No! No! We didn't! Let's ask Nightlight- did you do something bud?" Dev chuckles.

Nightlight does a nodding motion. Morningdew coos. They certainly are becoming good friends.

"What's next anyways?"

"I was thinking Fire Isle," Dev replies.

"Why?" I ask.

"Overheard some raiders at the bar talking about a ruin raid during the latest Arena season. Sounds promising" Dev replies.

"We can fly out tomorrow. Let's make some market purchases real quick" I add.

Luna reluctantly nods. I spot a couple merchants congregating by the western tip. We both walk over and see what kind of stuff they're selling. It's primarily dragon scales and Dragonbrands.

"What chaos breeder got their hands on those legendary scales?" Dev grumbles.

"Scammers, honestly" Luna replies.

I spot someone selling shadow shards. I start making the exchange with the man with the Emerald. We both grin.

"Just 27 more Shadow scales and we can make you even stronger at the altar! Excited?" I cheer.

Nightlight happily flutters his wings while I put the scales in one of my saddle pouches. I turn to see what Luna is up too at another merchant stall

"Oooh! I've been looking for some Dragonbrand upgrades!" Luna grins.

She exchanges ores for some Dragonbrand fodder to a girl with the Moth.

"More food! I bet you're starving after that flight" I exclaim.

I make the exchange with the guy with the Red violet. Maybe the myth or Red violets being the descendents of the dragon deity of harvest bear some truth. How else could he have that much food to sell?

I go try to find Dev. Luna trails behind, checking her bags for anything she might need while we're here.

"Whadda ya mean I can't purchase it?!" A familiar aggressive voice snaps.

Found her. My guardian angel for ya!

"I told you, you don't make the qualifications to buy this relic." a calm male voice retorts.

"I literally have all the money I need! Why are you turning away customers, you chaos breeder?!" Dev snaps.

Dev fixes her hat and adjusts her gloves. Things are about to go down.

"Dev, we can get far better relics at the ruin raid tomorrow. We have plenty of supplies restocked. Let's go" I tell her.

I drag her by the jacket collar out of the market. We all walk over to the Inn. The same familiar blonde man with sky blue eyes just like me greets us with his Ruby dragon at his side.

"Zeph! My brother! Still working the inn, are you? I'll need a place to stay for the night!" I greet.

"Mother and father are also here. There townhome has gone through some renovations and is actually quite lovely"

"Things haven't been the same since I- you know-"

"Told them you were gonna be a questing mercenary with your academy dragon instead of getting a stable merchant job with a rarer species"

"Nightlight won't leave me and I won't leave him! They know that!"

"Let's not dig up the past. Who's your friend with the Fairy?"

"Not my friend, Nightlight's. That's Morningdew and Luna,"

Zeph walks back inside and starts getting our rooms ready. Dev glances over at the sacrifice altar.

"Who's clogging up the altar with Lutra upgrades?!" Dev exclaims.

"Lutras are pretty common at the Dragontamer academy, maybe some kid got too attached and thinks the Lutra will be their forever friend" I sigh.

"Dumb kids," Dev mutters.

"You had a Lutra before," I remind her.

"I'm sure Marlon is having fun on the water isle" Dev chuckles.

Zeph pops back out and invites us inside Dragon Dojo Inn. I spot a flier nailed to the wall by our room door. It's about the Volcano Isle ruin raid. The Fire orb must be there.

"How many orbs have you 2 found anyways?" Luna asks.

Dev collapses on the bed and sighs. I take one last look at the flier before I sit down inside. That's a bit of a tricky question. Well;

"We've found Treasure, Life, Dark, Sun, Moon, Craftsman, Sight, and-" I start.

"We didn't find Sun and Moon- they were already restored to the well years ago" Dev corrects.

"Sand, the other one we found was sand" I finally remember.

"That's 7 already at the well! What others are there?" Luna asks.

"Fire, Water, Nature, Dust, Psychic, Metal, Electric, Light, Death, Ice, Chaos, Star, Abundance, Secret, Wealth, Wind, Time, and Void" I list off.

Luna does some finger counting then looks at us with wide eyes.

"There are more than orbs?!" Luna exclaims.

"Yup" Dev replies.

The twinkle of night starts appearing in the sky. Time flies when you're with friends. We all go to sleep after a tasty Inn dinner and get ready for tomorrow.

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