Private eye

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I was listening to music while drawing in my notebook and didn't notice someone entering the room until someone said "Oooo what ya drawing?" I get scared so I hid it until I saw it was Roxie.I say "Thank God it's just you."

I show her the picture saying "It's one of the last memories of mum and dad before. Well you know what happened." I look up and say "I miss Mum.She was always there to protect me from dad trying to make me evil but since she passed he-" Roxie hugs me as I cry and says "I know.Since she passed he has been trying to make you like him.Your mum was a great woman but sadly all good things must come to an end at some point." I cry more as she tries to calm me down.

I hear the door open but I don't look.Roxie says "She just misses her mum that's all Cooper." I hear his voice say "Oh alright well we should head to school now." I calmed down once he left and we went to school.

We go to Oz's class and once that was done I leave the room.Me and Roxie go to the library to find the others are here since Mateo lost his book.Izzie shows up as a detective for some reason and talks to them.

Logan's hat falls off and moves on it's own so I tell Roxie.We keep an eye on it while we pretend to read.It moves around so we walk around pretending to switch books.It gets out the library so we follow behind.

We see Nova caught the hat and is now showing it to everyone.She tries to reveal the eye but it doesn't work making everyone think she was crazy.I managed to grab the cap long enough for me to be able to hear what dad says.I hand it to Logan then pulled a pair of airpods from my bag.I use my powers to make it that I can hear dad while me and Roxie walk away.

We hear dad "So,they want a nightmare theme for their fall festival,do they? I think we might just be able to make that happen. And give them a party the waking world will never forget." He then laughed so we removed the airpods and I said "That ain't good if he gets us and Z blob." Roxie nods agreeing with me.

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