Using you.

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Yes she's the creature in this
1k+ words
Fem! Reader


you suddenly woke up in a strange world filled with tre sized mushrooms and weird tree's with glowing leaves.  the air seemed thick with moisture and as you turned your head to look at the source of it you spotted a light pink creature standing above you. 

its hair looked fluffy and shiny as if it was freshly washed.  the small creature had long, pointed ears  that made it look like a bat. its eyes were big and round and they gazed into yours.

they were a beautiful shade of blue, as light as  the sky on a sunny day. it reminded you of the surface of some water that was calm but was covered with tiny little waves as the sun shone down from above. 

it was wearing a ripped up white dress with  short sleeves.  it looked more human than a monster as it stood there looking down at you with an expression that looked similar to curiosity. your own expression mimicked hers when she caught your gaze.

"Hello earthling." it spoke with a voice that didn't sound quite right - as if there wasn't any way for it to get out the words perfectly. it sounded more like wind blowing through a broken pipe.

"I  am not earthling.  my name is y/n." You replied and sat up.  as soon as you did so you immediately regretted it because every muscle inside of you screamed in agony.

your body felt like someone was stabbing you with used needles over and over again, making every muscle tense and throb.

"quit moving y/n.  you're only hurting yourself even more." It said as you continued to lay there and groan. it crouched down next to you and put one hand on your shoulder as a kind gesture.  you tried to ignore how nice and gentle its touch felt since you don't even know who this is.

You looked into the bottom pair of her 4 eyes and her eyes were so innocent and warm that they calmed you down.

She looked concerned as she took in your discomfort. it made your heart feel heavy to see such a cute creature being concerned about you.

'this has got to be some kind of hallucination.  just relax y/n.' you told yourself.

'it's probably nothing.'  you thought as you closed your eyes.

"Hm..." the creature hummed as it got closer to you.  "You are very cute... would you mind if I tried to do this thing that you earthlings call a kiss?" She asked and reached out to softly cup your face in her hands. you shivered at how soft her skin felt compared to your own. you opened your eyes again and gave her your answer with a nod.

The next thing you knew, her lips met your cheek. she smelled like roses, fresh green grass and the sea all at once.   you could feel her breath ghosting over your skin which caused goosebumps to rise all over your body.

she pulled away after a moment and looked at you smiling.  you wondered what had possessed her to do that - if it really was just a dream you would have wanted to stay under that touch a bit longer.

"Could I possibly do it again?" It asked hopefully as she placed a hand on the side of your face. you nodded again and allowed a kiss to be placed on your lips this time.

You felt butterflies in your stomach as her lips brushed against yours. her tongue darted into your mouth almost instantly.
It was gentle.  almost loving. you loved every second of it.

you  slowly wrapped your arms around her neck as the two of you kissed.

it felt like your brain melted and your body grew weak. everything else became irrelevant.  When she pulled away her pupils were blown wide, looking like black holes.

She immediately dug her clawed nails into your shoulders as she kissed you again , much less gently this time. she nibbled on your lower lip and you let out a moan. she smiled into the kiss before pulling back to give you another one.  this time, however, she was less gentle and more urgent. it drove you crazy.

you gripped the grass under you tightly as you leaned against a giant grey mushroom that was as tall as you are. it felt sturdy against your back as you rested your weight on it. the ground was rough but you couldn't bring yourself to care.

she nibbled on your throat causing you to gasp in pleasure.  her hand travelled down towards your  crotch causing you to whimper.  it felt amazing,  so damn good.

she started to suck and bite your neck while grinding up against you.  you bucked your hips up to meet her thrusting movements.

"holy shit..." you moaned as her claws were digging deep into your thighs now, leaving red marks. you couldn't stop moaning at the sensation. 

your mind was clouded with lust and adrenaline. everything else in the world melted away except her kisses, her touches, and the sound of her breathing.

she pulled her dress off over her head and tossed it somewhere far away. as she started to kiss and lick your breasts you arched your back up against the mushroom.

she pushed herself up onto you as your legs wrapped around her waist. she grabbed hold of your tits and squeezed them.

you didn't have to take anything off since you were already naked  anyways.  but as her lips began to move against your skin again and your body trembled from the pleasure. 

she slowly began to rub against your clit repeatedly, causing you to arch up further against the mushroom. she moved her head down to your breast and began sucking gently.

her eyes turned black as she used her powers to give herself a dick that she then rubbed up against your clit until you were wet enough  for her to slip it into you.

you gasped loudly as she plunged inside you fully, taking you completely by surprise.  after a few seconds she found your g spot and she repeatedly hit it with her tip, making your thighs shake.

"oh god..." you cried out. she continued to hit that spot over and over again as she kept going deeper and deeper. your fingers tangled in the roots of her green hair and held tightly. 

she looked at you like you were the most fascinating thing in the entire forest and your climax came swiftly.

she pulled out  and slammed herself back inside you several times until your orgasm subsided. 

her breath heavily against your neck was what you were focused on instead of trying to get your thoughts together. you still couldn't believe that you were having sex with some unknown creature.  still, it was amazing...

I FINALLY GOT BACK INTO WRITINGGG YAY! Also leave more requests pls

.~*Cry baby x reader*~. REQUESTS OPEN-2023حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن