Definitely a bad idea

199 2 7


Warnings: blood, first aid, inviting an unknown creature into your home


I was roaming through a lush forest, the moonlight illuminating me like a beacon as I went deeper into it.

I walked along with my head held high, admiring the beauty that nature had to offer. I had never seen anything like this forest before in my life! 

The beauty of its leaves, the way they swayed gently under the breeze, and the way the moonlight illuminated every single leaf made my heart skip a beat.

This place would be perfect for writing a story, so much so, that if I ever wanted to write one, I would make sure that no one else knew about this.

but before I could enjoy the scenery more I heard loud crying  coming from deep within the woods. A little concerned, I followed the crying, until I found someone hunched over by an oak tree in  a clearing where some kind of dark mist was gathering around her.

Upon closer inspection, I saw that the person was female, and definitely not quite human.

She  appeared to have been weeping for hours on end, with her face stained with dirt, her clothes torn, and blood splattered all over them.

Her skin was pale pink and seemed to shimmer when the moonlight hit it just right and there was dried blood smeared across her mouth.  

She looked up at me, sniffled loudly, and opened her mouth wide, trying to say something but failing.

I felt pity welling up inside me for this beautiful creature as I knelt down beside her, and tried once again to talk to her. "Hello?" I said in a soft, calming voice.

Her eyes widened when she realizedthat someone had spoken to her. She wiped away her tears and stood up shakily as if she might collapse any second, but managed to stand upright.

She then began babbling incoherent words in what seemed to be an actual language but sounded like gibberish to me.

My eyebrows rose and I asked her if she was alright. She responded by nodding her head frantically. 

"Is that your blood?" I asked her, pointing to the dried liquid on her hands and face. She trembled, her hands shaking even worse than before as she nodded her head in response.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" I asked her carefully as I examined her body for any sort of injury or wound. When I found none, I continued to probe her with questions until she spoke up with a small voice, "No... no pain... just scared..."

She paused for a moment as a few more tears spilled out of her eyes, "...just really scared." Then she fell silent again as tears streamed down her cheeks faster than ever.

"Hey now," I said softly, "I have a first aid kit in my bag.  if you'd let me I'd love to help you out here."

At first, she didn't seem very keen on letting anyone see her in such a vulnerable state, but after seeing how broken down she actually was, I knew that she wouldn't last long here alone if she was left alone and injured. I also couldn't leave her unattended.

I pulled my first aid kit out of my bag and placed it on the ground next to the girl. "This is going to sting a bit," I told her.
She nodded her head vigorously in reply and braced herself.

I took out an alcohol wipe and used it to wipe off the drying blood from her face, cleaning a large cut on what looks to be her cheek.  I then pressed a bandage onto it to stop the bleeding. The poor thing was shaking uncontrollably as I did it, and I noticed how badly she was trembling.

Once my work was done, I put away the medical supplies and then turned back to look at her to try to figure out how to take care of her without causing her further stress."Are you hungry?" I asked her.

After hearing her respond affirmatively I smiled at her "Do you think you can come back to camp with me?"

She immediately shook her head no, "Come on... I mean there's only 2 people there right know, plus I think they're in their little areas.  nobody will see you I promise." She hesitated again and then slowly nodded her head yes. "You wanna go with me to camp?" she nodded slowly again.
Then with a quick nod to myself I took her hand in mine and led her back towards camp.

It definitely wasn't the safest thing to do, considering she wasn't a human, but hey, who am I to judge? As long as she kept up with me she would probably be fine.

After walking a short distance I stopped suddenly and turned to look at the creature.

"we're here.  hide behind me so nobody sees you alright?" I say as I open the door to my cabin.

She hesitantly stepped inside the room, her eyes darting nervously around the interior.
When we were both safely situated in the cabin, I closed and locked the door before turning back to face the young woman who still had her eyes glued to the floor, seemingly too afraid to look up at me.

I turned on the light before heading into the little kitchen to get her a snack, then returned to her and handed her a bagel and some water.

"Eat something. You look like you're starving."

She eyed the food dubiously for a minute before taking a bite. After chewing for awhile she swallowed and said timidly, "Thank you."

Her voice sounded so hoarse that it nearly broke me apart.

"You're welcome," I replied, "Are you tired? I can show you the room."

She nodded, and I showed her around my cabin and helped her find the bedroom before leading her to the bed.

As soon as she laid down on the bed I said, "Now, sleep. I can sleep on the couch." She frowned, obviously not wanting me to sleep on the couch. "Oh... okay.  thank you." I whispered. "goodnight."

And with that she quickly closed her eyes and fell asleep, clutching a pillow close to her chest. She curled up in a ball underneath the blanket.

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