Into the portal? (Just a k-12 dupe)

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Warnings: sexism, transphobia, curse words, period talk, anorexia, literal murder, kisses, almost sex between a man and a woman

Cry baby pov:

I woke up in my all pink room to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ears, as I sat up I thought 'Wait, what was my dream again?' I get out of bed as my thoughts continue. 'I remember feeling trapped in rising heat and there were plastic or... cardboard cut-outs all around me? And my gums roots were pushing out my teeth and the voice of a thousand angels said to me, "It's temporary."

'Maybe that should be my new mantra as I step into what will inevitably be the worst years of my life.' I walk over to my calendar and I draw a red heart around the wretched day that it is.  The first day of hell.

'Ah yes, off to a world in which girls are only to wear pink dresses and boys blue pants.  Well, I dyed my uniform and embroidered flowers on the sleeves.' I open my walk-in closet door. 'Speaking of, I should probably change into my uniform right now... Nah, that shits itchy.  It can wait.

I step into my bathroom and I look into my mirror as I brush my half black half pastel rainbow streaked hair with my jade green hair brush with a golden heart on the back.  'Oh yeah, and in my dream, you know when the air below me was sucking my teeth out of their sockets, I noticed that my front two teeth stayed and the gap between them just kept getting larger and larger... How's that even possible? I know, right?' I squirt toothpaste on my baby blue toothbrush and I brush my teeth, after a few seconds I spit it out and I place the brush back on the counter as I step out of my bathroom and I head through my room into the kitchen.

'I wish my mom wasn't passed out right now and could at least drive me to the bus stop...' I grab my "alpha bites crunch" cereal and a bowl.  I shook the box to get cereal out but instead I was surprised by my spider, Phillipe.  "Phillipe? What are you doing in there? Don't scare me like that" I exclaimed as I watched Phillipe crawl on the dining room table.

'What was that angel's name again? Was it Lily or Layla? No, I think it was Lilith.'

Kindergarten. Wheels on the bus

The pink school bus with a blue interior picked me up at the stop and I chose to sit next to my best friend Angelita but it quickly got way too loud in the bus.  I watched the bus driver drink from a flask as he continued driving to the sleepaway school.

"I feel so sick..." I spoke to Angelita.  "I can't believe we have to do this." she responded.  "Do you think we'll make any friends?" I asked as I looked at her in her brown eyes, "I hope so, but at least we have each other."

"That's true." I said with a sigh. 

I heard the girls behind me laugh at each other before a pink paper airplane got thrown directly at my head.  I turned toward the dyed blue boy who threw it before Angelita picked up the paper airplane and she read the text within before she turned around and yelled at them, "Real mature!"

"What does it say?" I asked, before she could tell me I leaned over and I read the neat handwriting on the paper.  It read: "Gap toothed bitch."

I frowned after I read it, but my sadness only got worse when the kids behind me started mocking me...

"Awww does the bunny rabbit need some tissues?" Kelly, my blond bully with shoulder length hair and blue eyes teased.

"Its okay, don't listen to them.  They're just plastic bullies." Angelita tried to comfort me but the kids behind me were too loud.  Their bullying was getting to me.  They were all standing up and saying "Wah wah, Cry baby." which was definitely making fun of my name, Cry Baby.

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