Chapter 9: Support and Defense

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Alrighty, we're in the final stretch before we get to canon. There's only one, maybe two chapters before we get to the beginning of canon. I'm so excited.

This chapter definitely has a few time skips, but it does contain some important stuff.

Anywho, hope you enjoy it!


Izuku and his mum had always been close, but ever since he'd been diagnosed as quirkless, there'd been a wedge between them. His dream to be a hero even without a quirk had been an elephant in the room that neither had been willing to address and it had created a certain amount of distance between them.

But after saving that woman's life, his mum had finally acknowledged his dream of becoming a hero and was doing her best to make up for the years of not believing in him.

She had started encouraging him to do his quirk analysis in the living room and she had even started participating, offering her own thoughts and theories about certain heroes' quirks. He'd always known he'd gotten his intelligence from his mum, but it was so cool having her analyse quirks with him.

She had even started looking at self-defence classes for him!

Unfortunately, most of the classes were either full or outright refused to take him as a student because of his quirklessness. Some had at least tried to be polite about it, but others had simply said that they didn't want to waste a space on a quirkless kid.

His mum hadn't been deterred though, she'd simply crossed those places off and kept looking.

In the meantime, she'd decided to take them both jogging on the weekends so he could start building up his stamina. She had also promised to buy him some light weights so he could start building up some muscle, but nothing too extreme, he was still only ten after all.

The current plan was to make sure he was as prepared for the UA entrance exam as possible. His mum had decided that if she was going to support his dream then she was going to give him the best chance he had of succeeding.

And he was beyond grateful for that.


It took three months to find a self-defence class that would actually take him as a student, but during those months he hadn't just been twiddling his thumbs, he'd made some significant progress with his aura training.

After processing everything that had happened that night, he'd finally started exploring his new ability.

It took a little while to figure out, but he soon realised that he had to really focus in order to use his aura sense with his eyes open. He theorised that the reason his aura sense had been triggered that night wasn't at random, but due to the paranoia and anxiety of walking home in the dark.

He also noted that his abilities weren't as strong with his eyes open. While meditating his range had increased to 15 whole metres, but with his eyes open it was only about half that.

Sensing emotions, on the other hand, was a whole different story.

He didn't really have to be focusing in order to sense someone's emotions, however, it usually only happened when he was talking to someone. Thankfully, his mental shields were strong enough to stop him from actually feeling other people's emotions... most of the time at least. If the emotions were super intense then he would have a harder time blocking them out.

Which was something that he'd found out the hard way....

After the police had left that day, his Aunt and Uncle had both rushed to their apartment to ask what was going on. He had beamed at the praise he'd received from them once his mum had explained what had happened the previous night, but unfortunately they ended up telling Kacchan when they went home and he'd come after Izuku the next day at school.

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