Chapter Sixteen: Heritage Of The Future

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Arvan, as he listened to Wískanitón's words, felt a sense of shared history and pain in the Mohawk Lycan's story. Wískanitón's voice carried a tone of sympathy as he delved into the tragic history of the Indigenous people upon Christopher Columbus's arrival in America.

Wískanitón began, "When Christopher Columbus first landed in America, the world changed for our people. He didn't only bring the Spaniard Lycans but also the Spaniard vampires. Their arrival marked the beginning of a dark chapter in our history."

He continued, his voice tinged with sorrow and anger, "Columbus and those who followed him committed unspeakable atrocities, killing and kidnapping our people, taking them to Europe, where they faced unimaginable suffering. European settlers, including the French, British, and the Dutch, brought their Lycans and vampires into our lands, introducing plagues that wiped out half of our people."

Arvan nodded in understanding, his heart heavy with the weight of history's injustices. "I share your pain and anger," he said. "Our histories are marked by struggles, but our strength lies in our determination to honor our heritage, protect our people, and stand against those who seek to harm us."
Their shared understanding of the tragedies in their respective histories deepened their connection, making it clear that their unity was essential in the face of the present-day threat posed by the Lupus Daemonium. As they reached the shaman's house, they did so with a renewed sense of purpose and solidarity, ready to seek the wisdom and guidance that awaited them.

As they approached the shaman's house, Wískanitón's curiosity led him to ask Arvan about the India of centuries past. He inquired, "Arvan, can you tell me how India looked before the British arrived? What was your ancestral homeland like in those times?"

Arvan, with a sense of  pride in his voice, painted a vivid picture of India's pre-colonial era. "Before the British arrived," he began, "India was a land of incredible diversity and beauty. It was a tapestry of different cultures, languages, and traditions. Our land was rich with lush forests, rolling hills, and flowing rivers. The people lived in harmony with nature, and our heritage was deeply rooted in ancient traditions and spirituality."

He continued, "We had magnificent cities, grand temples, and a society that embraced tolerance and coexistence. India's history was marked by great empires, such as the Maurya and Gupta, and the teachings of scholars like Aryabhata and Charaka. It was a time of remarkable achievements in art, science, and philosophy."

Wískanitón listened intently, absorbing the beauty and history of a land that had been deeply scarred by colonization. Arvan's words highlighted the cultural richness and natural splendor of a country that had once thrived before the arrival of the British.
Their exchange deepened the understanding between the two leaders, as they recognized the value of preserving the heritage and traditions that had endured through the ages. As they arrived at the shaman's house, they approached with a shared sense of respect for their respective histories and a determination to safeguard their legacies in the face of ongoing threats.

As they reached Wískanitón's grandmother's house, he called out to her in Kanien'kéha, the language of their people. She emerged from the house, her eyes filled with warmth and recognition as she saw her grandson. They embraced and exchanged heartfelt greetings, their connection as family palpable.

The shaman, Wískanitón's grandmother, had an air of wisdom and serenity about her. Her presence conveyed a sense of ancient knowledge and a deep connection to the spiritual world. The group felt a profound respect for her, knowing that she held the key to the guidance they sought in their battle against the Lupus Daemonium.

With the blessings of Wískanitón's grandmother, they were prepared to embark on the next phase of their journey, seeking the wisdom and power needed to confront the darkness that threatened their world.

Wískanitón's grandmother, a revered figure of knowledge and spirituality, led Arvan, Sahil, and the members of their pack into her teepee. In the sacred space, the group gathered in a circle, and the shaman initiated a conversation that would help guide their quest. With her guidance, the boundaries between cultures and languages became blurred, as she posed questions in Kanien'kéha, her grandson translating for Arvan and the pack.

Sahil, alongside Lydia and Kim, responded to the questions with the utmost respect and sincerity. Their answers carried the collective wisdom and purpose of their pack, and it was clear to all present that the shaman's insights held the key to understanding the significance of the dagger sought by the Lupus Daemonium.

As the dialogue continued, the sacred exchange between the pack and Wískanitón's grandmother took on a profound significance. They were on the brink of uncovering the knowledge and guidance needed to fulfill their mission and protect the world from the looming darkness.

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