When Push Comes to Shove, You Make Them Shit Their Pants

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A few weeks had past, and the two children found themselves settling into Eruhaben's lair quite well. Estelle felt at home there, especially since it was made up of gold, and there was gold in every single nook and cranny of Eruhaben's home. Where Estelle saw gold, he saw money. Where he saw money, he saw a comfortable place to live for the rest of his life with his family members.

Raon had been studying magic under the tutelage of the Golden Dragon, who was extremely good at putting up with Raon's shenanigans. He always looked at both of them with a calm, if not slightly exasperated face. He had also said that he had experience taking care of and teaching young dragons after they hatched until they were able to live in nature by themselves. Sure, this was probably the case. However, Estelle had seen a few accidental smiles that he was sure would make Eruhaben go red if he called him out on it.

One day, Eruhaben was getting ready to go to sleep, until he heard Raon crying in his sleep. He didn't know whether to wake him up or let him keep sleeping, so he just sat down and cradled Raon in his arms until the sobbing child was no longer shedding tears. He had also repeated this process with Estelle multiple times, except Estelle was shaking uncontrollably, and not allowing himself to cry. This confused him and wounded his heart. He had never found out that the two children were tortured growing up, so he had no base to start on.

'Hahhh... when did I become so protective over these children?'

Eruhaben had allowed himself to open his heart to these poor children, and he didn't know when or how. He just knew that these unlucky kids had barged their way into his life, and became extremely important to him.

Currently, Raon was busy changing the size of their bed to make it bigger, so that they could all fit into it, while Eruhaben was standing to the side, telling Raon what spells to cast with Estelle in his arms. Eruhaben realized that Estelle really, really liked napping, much more than other children, he realized. But, he supposed, it didn't matter much. He inspected Estelle for any diseases or illness, but Estelle was perfectly healthy. Until he found bruises littered across the tiny child's body. There were bruises that looked like they would scar his child's body forever, while there were other scars that were mostly healed. There were even more injuries, external and internal, when he checked Estelle's lower body.


Eruhaben would absolutely destroy the person who dared to make his children suffer like this. He would never let him see the light of day ever, ever again. He would ensure that the person who did this would go through ten-fold of the pain they brought upon his young, tiny children, who were not yet even five years of age. He would definitely help his children get their revenge.
Soon, he would find out that the person who tortured his children was called Venion Stan. Said man would also go through extreme suffering under the hands of both Eruhaben and a certain torture expert.

"Hey... would you two like to go somewhere? You've been on Mount Yellia far too long. Of course, if anything were to appear in which the situation would turn out badly for you, I would surely protect you. However, staying in the same place for too long isn't good. You need to travel among human settlements as well."

Of course, Eruhaben was trying to look for the fiend who dared to touch a pair of children, rather than actually have a nice day stroll in a human city, but he wouldn't say that, definitely not. That would probably bring up some bad memories, and Eruhaben didn't wish for that. He wished for his children to be happy, among all else. That was why he was willing to take his children out so that they could escape their heads and have fun for a little while.

"Then, Goldie Gramps, I want to go to Rain City!"

Raon wanted to go to Rain City because that was the first place they fled to after they escaped Marquis Stan's dungeon. They had never gotten to actually explore the city, since they were too focused on finding food and hiding from the eyes of Venion Stan. This time, they actually wanted to look around and have fun in Rain City.

Eruhaben was questioning why they wanted to go to a city under the jurisdiction of the Henituse County, but he didn't care either way. As long as it was somewhere where they were all safe, it didn't matter to him.

"Dongsaeng, you want to go to Rain City as well, right?"

"Yes. Gramps, I want to go to Rain City as well."

"Hahhh... I suppose it can't be helped, then."

The three got ready to go to Rain City, with Estelle packing lots of pillows and blankets. Yes, he would surely sleep a lot on the trip. Estelle cherished his sleep, because he was never able to properly sleep when he lived with Venion. Eruhaben put in the coordinates, activated the magic circle, and stepped into it with Estelle in his arms and Raon following closely behind them. Raon always nagged at Eruhaben to be careful when handling Estelle because of his lower injuries. Estelle didn't care about Eruhaben always carrying him around because he liked the fact he didn't have to walk or use up his energy for trivial matters.

When they arrived at Rain City the first thing they noticed was arguing. There were two teenagers yelling at each other about something. Estelle listened in to their conversation.

"Why should my father care about the lives of some useless villagers? This cup of wine in my hands is worth more than all of your useless lives combined."

"You seem to be quite confident about that statement. I wonder if you'll still think the same after I'm done with you."

"Shall we test it out?"

Estelle also noticed that they were 2 seconds from pummeling one another, so he tugged on Eruhaben's coat.

"Grandpa, can you stop them from beating each other up?"

"Are you sure? It's not our business whether they argue, fight, or kill each other. Why do you feel the need to step in?"

-Goldie Gramps! I can answer that. It's because my dongsaeng is too kind and he doesn't want to see people get hurt!

Raon, who was invisible, spoke in the mind of the Golden Dragon, as Eruhaben's face lit up with understanding, and he nodded. Estelle, who was oblivious to this incident, was confused as to why the ancient dragon was suddenly nodding, but he figured he was just having a different conversation with Raon, which he was right about, though it was a different conversation than what he was thinking.

Suddenly, the two teenagers felt an all-powerful presence wash over them, layering their bodies with a cold sweat. Neither of them had ever felt a force this terrifying, so they no idea what it was and why it was subjected to them. Naturally, this force was Eruhaben, as Raon did not go through his second growth phase, and therefore could not use Dragon Fear. This power was so intense that the two humans, who were previously giving each other death threats, could not even lift their heads to look at the person who oozing this aura.

"You will stop fooling around this instant. You are scaring my grandchild, you idiots."

The aura calmed down a bit, and the two turned their heads to look at the person who was producing such a presence. In that moment, they saw the most beautiful person that they had probably ever seen in their whole entire lives, though it didn't stop fear from engulfing them.

"W-who are you? Don't you know who I am? I am the son of the Lord of this territory! I'll tell my father about this, and he'll surely banish you from here."

The red-headed teenager suddenly became agitated when he saw what the ancient dragon looked like, but he froze when he saw the child in Eruhaben's arms. The redhead, Cale Henituse, had a soft spot for children, and though he may not look like it, he loved his siblings, and he wanted to express his love for them, especially Lily, since she was the youngest. However, he could not do that because he had his reputation as trash to maintain. This child looked way younger than Lily, and he couldn't bring himself to yell after seeing him.

This was also the case for Choi Han, the other teen. He couldn't even speak because he was busy admiring the cute toddler in the beautiful person's arms. What they didn't know was that Raon was silently cursing them in his mind for daring to look at his precious adorable dongsaeng with their filthy eyes. Those dirty bastards!

In the end, Cale and Choi Han lead Eruhaben to the Henituse Estate to stay there as guests for a bit. Though, neither Cale nor Choi Han ended up apologizing to the other for what they said. Whenever they saw each other, they would just give each other death stares. Well, at least neither of them ended up being beaten so badly they needed to recuperate in their rooms for a few months!

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