Fun Times with the Ancient Powers

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'Estelle, are you ready to ***- I mean... oops, I forgot you're a kid. Sorry...'

The first thing Estelle heard that day from the ancient powers was the Sky-Eating Water cursing Arm.

The ancient powers were gifts that Estelle had received from the God of Death. They were engraved into the set of earrings he wore.

He wasn't quite sure if they were supposed to speak in his head, but he let it go because they worked well either way.

the 6 voices inside of his head were quite loud, but he didn't mind.

(In fact, he was quite grateful for the voices. He was quite lonely, even with his hyung, now that his papa was not around).

He appreciated them all the same, even if he knew they could be a bit disorganized sometimes. That was one of the things he liked about them.

And he knew that the ancient powers liked him just as much as he did them. He was the one who reunited them, after all.

He was right, and the ancient powers never forgot to relay to him how much he meant to them

'Estelle, don't forget to take care of yourself.'

'Estelle! You should eat more. You are so thin. How am I going to be able to heal you if you don't even eat?'

'Little Estelle, your cheeks look so round and appetizing—can I eat them?'

'Estelle, let's *--ahem... I mean, let's chop their necks off...?'

'Kyahaha! Let's make a sea of fire! It'll be fun, I promise.'

'Estelle, the wind will guide you, wherever you shall decide to go.'

He was extremely grateful that they existed, even if they were spirits that once lived long ago.

He was also grateful to the God of Death for lifting them from their original places and sending them over to him, even if he thought that the god he served was a total creep.

It truly was a good day to go to the capital so he and his family could prevent a terrorist attack.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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