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Nayeon came out of her room in a red dress that reached her mid-thigh and a little cleavage. As soon as she heard the sound of the door opening, her curious mother rushed there.

-Are you going out?- she asked her immediately. -With who?

-Mom! A minimum of privacy?

-Irene! Come here!- shouted her husband.

-No! I want to know it! Have you found a replacement for that moron yet? Who is he? I know him?

-Calm down, I'm just hanging out with Jeongyeon.

-Even better! Where is she?- she ​​asked looking around her.

-I don't know, she left in a hurry.

-So are you together?

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -No, enough with the private questions.

-Okay... But get a hotel room.- she whispered to her.

-I can't wait to leave this house.- Nayeon replied, moving away from her mother, going into the kitchen to drink a glass of water.

-Nay, can I tell you something before you go out?- her father asked her.

She slammed the glass on the table. -Don't you dare say you don't like Jeongyeon because-

-No, it's the opposite. Jeongyeon is a kind, helpful person... She is nice and you can tell she cares about you. But I know what you're like... Obviously there's something blocking you because you just ended a relationship. But remember that the relationship had already ended months if not years ago. Let your instincts guide you. After what he did to you, you could have gotten married the day after you left him. Act, don't think too much. I see how she looks at you... It's how I looked and still look at your mother.

Nayeon nodded. -It's difficult...

-I know, but if it weren't for Jeongyeon you'd probably still be stuck in that unhappy marriage. Jeongyeon is really worth something to you.

-Of course, I don't deny it.

-So don't hold back. You'll see that if you stay with her it will be even easier to leave Edward behind.

Nayeon was about to cry at those words. She knew she needed it and hearing it from her father was something special.

-Nay! She's here!- Irene exclaimed excitedly.

Jeongyeon blushed at the woman's emotion. Nayeon said goodbye to her father and went into the living room, where she saw Jeongyeon with a large bouquet of red roses.

The girl giggled embarrassedly. -You didn't have to.

-I didn't have to, but I wanted to.

And that sentence was the difference between Jeongyeon and Edward.

-Shall we go?- Nayeon asked Jeongyeon kindly, then glared at her mother and took her flowers in her hand.

-Of course. Goodbye Mrs Im.

-No! Irene. You call my husband by his name, I want to be called by my name too. And then... Soon you will be part of the family.

Nayeon took Jeongyeon's hand and glared at her mother again. -Let's go.- she said, opening the door.

They left Nayeon's parents' house and the girl sighed.

-Can we take your car?- Jeongyeon asked her.

-Of course.

They walked towards the vehicle, which was located in the private parking lot of the house.

-Nayeon! Nayeon!- The girl turned and saw a reporter pointing the microphone at her. -Can you tell us if the rumors about you and Edward are true? Have you broken up?

The girl ignored her and began to walk faster. -I hate these reporters.- she whispered to Jeongyeon.

-Nayeon, is it true?

Nayeon arrived in her car and got into the passenger seat, leaving Jeongyeon to drive. They left, thus leaving the journalist behind. Nayeon leaned back in her seat and sighed.

-I am sorry.

-No, it's the fault of the journalists who are meddlesome, even if it's their job.

-Mh... We should go to a secluded place. Can I take you to a far away place?

-Of course, wherever you want.- Jeongyeon smiled and changed destination. Meanwhile, Nayeon took out her phone to check if Mina had replied to her message. -Not even time to set foot outside the house!

-What happened?

-They say that maybe Im Nayeon is in a new relationship and most of the comments are negative. They don't know anything about me!

-Nay, calm down. Put down the phone and don't think about it. Just think about me, okay?

Nayeon put the phone down to avoid ruining her evening but to say she was angry would be an euphemism. Why did people always have to judge without knowing? Why did people always have to judge? Were their lives that boring?

Three quarters of an hour later, Jeongyeon stopped the car and Nayeon looked around. -Has the petrol run out?

Jeongyeon chuckled. -If you don't like it we can go.

-No... It's just that it's strange for a first date.

-I guess you're used to fancy restaurants and stuff.

-Yes, but it's okay. I'm curious to see what we'll do in the woods. You're not going to kill me, are you?

-Only with my love.

Nayeon covered her face with her hands. -Ah! I can't do it!

Jeongyeon got out of the car and then opened the door for Nayeon. -Let's go?

Nayeon shook Jeongyeon's hand and got out of the car. -Let's go.

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