a broken house

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Just like blue moons in this lifetime,
I sat there bawling my eyes out ,
Seeking mom and dad , just like 5,

It's a poison that's spreading and I feel helpless,
Wanting to hide behind my father , just like I was 7 ,

Believed he could solve everything,
Had the solution to anything ,

Words are the deadliest poison,
And standing in front of me is my grandpa,
Yes , my hero .

The man I admire ,despite painting my childhood red,
The man I adored ,despite losing my smiles to his curses,

The one I listened too , and whom I deemed was the wisest,
In a fit of rage , he blew his disguises,

Now the curses are aimed at me , the bleeding won't stop,
The damage he does is as vast as his kindness,

Now the curses are bearing the name which is mine ,
The very same name he gave to me ,

I was proud of illusions,
Illusions he weaved ,

Now my palace has fallen ,
Of an utopian dream .

It has fallen , it has crashed in waves and tides,
And on the shore of helplessness,
Where should I hide ?

The house of my memories , the home that I loved
The walls are haunting me now and all I hear are cries,lies,
And now I don't have a place , my utopia rejects me
Oh , how merciless is the wave of truth ! How harsh is the sunlight after a morning dream , a dream that was meant to end.

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