Innocent people

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The robots crawled over the walls like disgusting snakes looking for prey. Elias crouched down, not taking his eyes off the target for even a second as he picked up a metal rod off the ground. He had found a new love for the primitive weapon. He waited patiently for the first one to get close before chopping its head off with one swing.

Elias pierced the rod through the robots and watched the light die down before swinging the robot kebab and knocking down two more. He pulled the rod out of the robots' chests just before another one tried to jump on him. Elias spun around and pushed the murderous robot off of him and onto the ground before piercing its head. It had been able to get a pretty good hit and scratched the soldier's back open.

The soldier didn't bother paying too much attention to everyone else in the church, only focusing on the robots coming his way. Out of the corner of his eye, Elias saw Thor sending lightning bolts through the robots and decided not to question it all. Instead, Elias threw the robot that was trying to get to him, in the way of Thor's lighting.

Elias felt a robot's cold fingers warp around his arm and press into his skin. In a flash, Elias was turned around and the robot had a knife sticking out of its neck. Elias pulled the knife out and threw it at the next robot while picking his trusty pole back up and piercing it through a robot's head.

The all too familiar blue streeks ran in front of Elias crushing the few nearest robots to pieces before continuing on. Elias saw Stark flying around, blasting at the robots from different directions

Elias felt himself getting tired and he was still losing a lot of blood in his arm and back. It would heal in a matter of minutes once he got some rest, but until then, it was painful for him to move his arm. Still, he used it to block the robots' as he stabbed the light out of them.

After a while, the robots started backing away. Elias looked around and saw Stark, Thor, and a weird red thing with a cape standing outside the church. He was tired. His body was aching all over and the deep cuts on his back and arm were pulsating pain throughout his body. It had been too long since Elias fought like that. At least long enough for him to get out of shape.

"They'll try to leave the city," Thor boomed. Elias quickly turned to see all the robots flying off. He let out a sigh, relieved that it would all be over soon.

"We can't let them. Not even one," Stark said before calling 'Rhodey', whoever that was, to take care of the escaping robots. Elias was getting used to not knowing who anyone was but he had never heard of a 'Rhodey' in his life, even with basically every channel in the world talking about the Avengers non-stop.

"We've gotta move out. Even I can tell the air's getting thin," Steve said making everyone turn to face him. Everyone but Elias. He didn't want to take orders from his brother, he didn't want to be on the same side as his brother, and he didn't want to look at his brother.

"You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers. I'll be right behind you," Steve ordered to which Elias just scoffed. After all those decades, now he wanted to go back for someone.

"What about the core?" the man with a god-damn bow asked. Elias had no idea who it was or why he was fighting with arrows, but he was still alive so he must have been somewhat good.

"I'll protect it. It's my job," the girl with weird red magic said. Elias furrowed his brows. He didn't want to trust her or her brother. They had picked the wrong side at least twice so he wasn't really that confident in their ability to make wise decisions. Still, he wasn't going to fight the Avengers on it as long as they got everyone out.

Elias was leaving. Now that he could be sure the innocent people were safe, he would be the first to get off the floating rock. As he started walking back towards the edge he started to think about what he was going to do next. Thousands of people had seen him fighting with the Avengers. Someone had probably taken his photo, so it would be so much harder to hide. He would have to run and he would have to run fast. Maybe he'd get on a boat to Southern Africa or something, anywhere really as long as it was far away.

Project 43Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora