Chapter 1-The Meet-Cute

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OKAY SO! My SasuSaku story Empty Eyes is now complete, and I feel a hole because I need my fill of that pairing, lol 

I fully intend to write a nice, long, and fleshed-out story. I just want to get some feedback because I'm desperately trying to better myself as an author!

Because of this, I will not be updating this with the next chapter right away. I'm nearly finished with my two currently active stories and will focus on this one when they are done.

I don't see it taking more than a few weeks. Feel free to comment your opinion or if you have any ideas you'd like to see incorporated because I don't have this entire story written yet!

Thanks for reading!


Sakura Haruno sighs with a pretty frown, clicks her phone screen off, and slips it into her handbag. Even to a complete stranger, its evident she's disappointed and maybe a little angry.

Dressed in straight-legged pants, a white button-up shirt, a professional black blazer, and a pair of maroon-colored heels that match her purse, the woman struts her way into an intimidatingly tall office building. Her shoulders are back, eyes bright, and gait confident.

Don't let them know you're nervous. 

That mantra repeats in her head as she pretends not to notice the curious glances of those she passes on her way to the elevator. Are they staring because of her hair?

"It's your outfit."

Sakura looks over to see a beautiful redhead also waiting for the elevator to arrive. She's wearing a blood-red pencil skirt that ends just above the knee and a long-sleeved black dress shirt. Her shoes are cream-colored and tall, almost able to be considered stilettos but somehow still coming off as work-appropriate.

The new arrival smirks, elaborating while pushing her glasses up her nose, "You're dressed rather...conservatively for someone in this office. That's all."

When Sakura looks around, its with fresh eyes. The dozens of men in the massive lobby dressed in nice suits and dress shoes are exactly what she expected. What she didn't foresee is that all the women wearing skin-tight skirts and form-fitting shirts. That or dresses. Almost no one is wearing a jacket or blazer, either, so their figures can be more easily admired.

What in the world is going on here? Is there some sort of unique dress code she wasn't made aware of?

You'd have to live under a rock not to notice how well-put-together her outfit is. It's professional and comfortable. It's fitted just enough to compliment her tiny waist and incredible legs while also not making the woman feel as though she'll be seen as a sexual object rather than a candidate with potentially astounding work prospects.

"I'm Karin, by the way. Judging by your confused expression, may I assume you're also here for the P.A. interview?"

Ah, she's competition.

"Sakura, and yes."

The women are joined in their wait by two more, dressed similarly to Karin. Finally, the elevator opens with a ding.

Almost everyone inside vacates quickly, but one does not: a tall, curvy brunette with her hair styled into two buns. Her face lights up when she and Sakura's eyes meet, and she beams excitedly, "Oh my gosh! You're actually here! I thought I'd have to drag you in by your hair."

Sakura and the three others enter, as do a couple of businessmen who're conversing in hushed tones and completely ignoring the females.

"Let's just say I need money more than I need my pride," the pinkette murmurs to one of her best friends. She's the one who told her about the job opening.

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