Chapter 1: Boy cave

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"Ugh damn them pesky punks!" Yelled a blonde boy whose roots were a little too overgrown.
A boy with longish dark hair side eyed him with a tint of frustration in his dark eyes, he was sitting on a stool with a guitar places in both of his hands gripping it tightly.
The blonde boy frolicked around the studio grabbing the attention of the depressed looking boy manspreading at the piano, his hazel eyes sleepily looking up as his brown hair falls just over his eyes. "We should be practicing Goalkeeper" huffs the dark hair boy looking fed up at his band mate, "screw you! You never seem to open your gob so keep it that way" spits the blonde hair boy with a face of disgust.

"Fuck this" says a brown hair boy getting up from the drum set picking up his skateboard, his wavy brown bushy hair flows as he swiftly exists the studio, his broad shoulders just about fitting through the frame.
"Come on guys, you have a competition to be practicing for there isn't a lot of time!" Their manager, a frail curly hair guy comes in trying to keep the band stay put clearly having no control over them.
"Subcave have been trying to steal our number 1 spot for years now I won't let them beat us, we are Boy Cave everyone loves us, maybe we need something different for the band!" Yells goalkeeper.
"They will if you don't get your shit together let's just calm down and think" Their manager tries to convince the blonde boy, "I doubt you have any ideas sociology guy" goalkeeper continues and points to the dark hair boy.
"Uhm maybe I could sing-" "ABSOLUTELY NOT" interrupts goalkeeper "I am the bands MAIN singer I won't let YOU take that away from me!"

Sociology guy grabs his bag and leaves the studio frustrated by how awkward goalkeeper is acting, the depressed brown hair boy also gets up and walks out with his backpack on both shoulders.
"No not you too mr k" says the manager as mr k proceeds to leave the studio.

"We are failures!" Cry's goalkeeper and sprints into the lounge slamming the door behind him with his face in his hands.


The boy with the skateboard is sat on a wall smoking a cigarette texting a girl, "are you meeting georgia?" Mr k asks as he walks outside the building "yeah I got somethin' planned" he says with a smirk that accentuates his jawline, "have fun then caveman" mr k replies as he walks away with British drill blasting in his ears.

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"Has caveman asked you out yet georgia" summer, A dark hair girl asks, "no but he will any minute now.." georgia, the ginger hair girl replies as a brown hair girl proceeds to choke on her food catching their attention. "So typical of you lucy" georgia says to her "stop bullying me" Lucy replies in defence.

The Three girls sat in costa having their weekly regime usually Talking about Boy cave.

"Have we all learnt the new choreography?" Georgia asks "yup" summer and lucy reply in unison. "The dance competition is in 3 days I think we should be ready" summer says "our dance partners have been lacking recently they better get their act together or I will be beating them up" replies lucy making a fist with her hand.


Georgia jumps almost falling off her seat waving her arms around in excitement "What's going on" Lucy shouts
"Who???" Summer questions as everyone is now staring at the girls in costa

"CAVEMAN" georgia screams in excitement "He wants to meet at the skatepark RIGHT NOW. GOODBYE" she shrieks and runs out of costa making the door swing on her way out.

"What if he's going to kidnap her" summer asks "she would probably enjoy that tbf" replies lucy "true"


A text pops up on Lucy's phone, she sighs. "goalkeeper is throwing a fit, periwinkle wants me to try call him down" she says getting ready to leave.
"Good luck with that" as summer waves her off.

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