Seven Wolves and One Beast

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Willow's Point of View

I rode hurriedly though the dark forest not bothering to observe my surroundings as well as I should have. My mind was to blinded by panic, and fear for my brother, Andre. He was supposed to have been home from his tour this morning but he didn't show up to our cottage. Instead around mid day our horse, Bucky, showed up in a frenzy at our cottage's back door. Except Andre wasn't on Bucky's back.

I had instantly ran to Bucky's shaking side, dropping my book. I pleaded with the frantic Bucky to take me to wherever Andre was. My first thought was that I would not lose my last piece of family. I had to find Andre! So once Bucky had a drink , we were off into the woods.

My surroundings were getting darker, and more shadowed as day faded into night. I had to find Andre fast, because if he was stranded somewhere in the woods, or worse injured, he couldn't survive the night. The forest was crawling with wolves, and nights are harsh and cold. Suddenly as if to confirm my fears of Andre's fate, I heard a loud howl shake the trees. Wolves.

"Faster Bucky!" I commanded my horse, patting his head to give him some comfort in this scary moment. He listened, as if he knew what the howls meant as well, and he took off at a lightning pace. However not to further down, Bucky came to a hard halt, causing me to fall off of his safe back. Crap. Around seven or so monstrous wolves were in formation in front of a Bucky and I.

My eyes widened in fear, and Bucky jumped all over the place. I was going to have to fight them somehow. I couldn't die now, not when Andre needed me to find him. If I died now Andre may die tonight as well, depending on his state. The wolves teeth glistened in the moonlight, and all seven of them looked starved. Especially the one in the center, it was easily the largest one but the most hungry looking. I watched as the biggest wolf began to bend down as if to pounce onto me. I didn't have much time, I grabbed a branch that was near my feet and swung it above my head.

I let out a shriek of pain, and fell backwards, as sure enough the wolf did pounce at me. I could hear Bucky panicking somewhere near me, and I so desperately wanted to protect him, but the pain from the wolf's bite in my arm was too much. The wolf bit down harder , and I could feel it's teeth hit my bones. The air smelled of blood, and the snow by my head was turning crimson red. I screamed in agony. I was going to die. Just as I was beginning to black out from pain, and the sensation of the wolf munching on my arm, I heard a roar louder then anything I had ever heard before, and then darkness.

Beast's Point of View

I was in the west wing brooding near my life line when my hair stood on its end. That only meant one thing, there was someone in my woods. I assumed that it was likely a search party coming for the man who I had captured earlier, for trespassing onto my castle grounds. I growled. When would they learn just to stay away from me, and my woods? Well I guess it meant more fun for me, I always love to do a good ambush on those foolish villagers. Making up my mind to go in for the attack I thundered out of the wing, on all fours, clawing the sleek marble beneath me.

"Master where are you going?" I heard Clarkson call out as I practically flew down the stairs. "Prepare another cell, Clarkson, there are intruders." I ordered. "Oh, of course master." Clarkson replied, as I burst out the front doors of the castle.

While I ran through my wood's thick forest, on all fours, I let out my inner animal. I could smell everything, and my nocturnal eyes could see everything in the darkness too. That's right I am an animal, let it out, make them regret ever stepping in your woods. I thought in my crazed mind, when I heard a loud scream. I would know that type of scream anywhere, it was a scream of pain. And it seemed, feminine? I picked up my run, and was shocked at the scene that lied before me. It was a girl! She was crying out in pain, while a wolf bit her arm. Her horse was dancing like a loon beside her, trying to kick them away. That's when I watched as a second wolf joined in the feast, and they bit her arm even deeper.

I can't explain what I did next. I had wanted to leave and teach her a lesson, since no one should enter my woods. But for some reason the sound of her cries pulled at my stone heart, and I couldn't let her die. Next thing I knew, I had went full animal, and was attacking the pack of wolves.

I let out a threatening roar, and immediately began tossing wolves like flour sacks, against the trees. I ran my clawed paws through them as they pounced on me, and slashed their stomach's open. Then I pounced at the one that was eating the now unconscious girl's arm. I grabbed it by its scruff and slammed it into the snow. I let out a booming roar directed into its snout. That wolf must have been the alpha, because once it surrendered to me, it and the other wolves scurried away, still whimpering. I let out a grunt of triumph.

I knew I was injured, bite marks escalated up my furry arms, and hind legs. But I was no where near as bad off as the girl. The girl! I almost forgot about her. I turned around and slinked down to her side. I had no idea where her horse had gone, but she was the priority right now. This pale, bloody, but gorgeous girl, was my focus. I scooped her up carefully in my fuzzy arms, and wrapped my torn cloak as best as I could around her thin figure. Then strangely, with no hesitation, I made my way back to the castle with her in my arms.

PLS let me know if you liked part one. I know it was short but future chapters will be longer, and I have many plot twists planned. :)

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