Our Final Hope

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Beast's Point of View

"Master you have to let me clean your wounds, they could become infected!" Clarkson chastised me, but with one snarl he backed off. I was insisting on using my tongue to lick them clean, like the animal I was. After all my saliva stung a lot less than the hot wet cloth Clarkson was dangling above my wound. "Fine then, have fun making them worse." Clarkson tossed the cloth into the water bucket and made his way for my chamber doors. However before he could exit, the doors swung open and Portia entered. She looked almost giddy as she waddled in front of me. But one look at my wounds changed her expression to concern.

"Master will you be alright?" Portia curtsied.

"I will survive." I rolled my eyes, as Clarkson opened his mouth.

"The Master would be better if he would let me clean the wounds for him, instead of using his tongue." Clarkson shuddered. "But alas he insists on being an animal." I let out a low growl. Clarkson has always been like this, defiant and stubborn. Even before the curse he would dare to question my father's rule. I guess that is why he is one of the only servants I somewhat tolerate. Because like Clarkson I am also stubborn, and I will never take shit from anyone. I am a beast after all, an apex predator. Why should I have to take shit from anyone?

"Ah, well, Master I have some news." Portia spoke up, attempting to break the tension. I stopped my growl, and shifted in my chair to face her better.

"And?" I questioned looking down upon her. Every elf was extremely small in size compared to my massive form, which made it possible for me to literally look down upon my staff.

"The girl, she has awoke. She seems to have pain in her right arm, and I am unsure if she can get up from bed. I was just on my way to get her some tea, because you know that tea heals anything." I had assumed she would feel pain in that arm, the wolves had bit it extremely deep before I had rescued her. I still don't understand what possessed me to let her live. I have killed thousands of men before, but why was this time different? Was it because she was a girl? Was it her beauty that had broken my animal instincts?

"Does she know of me?" I asked curiously.

Portia suddenly looked uncomfortable. "Well yes Master she knows of you. But she doesn't yet now about, um, you know. I did tell her you were the one who rescued her, and she would like to meet you." Portia said that last part with her hands covering her face.

Rage began to boil inside of me. I had hoped Portia wouldn't have told the girl anything yet. But she did, and the girl would like to meet me? That could never happen, I hadn't even decided what I would do with her yet. The girl should belong down in my dungeon with the other trespasser I caught today. But why couldn't I bring myself to do it? No person has ever made me question myself as much a she has.

"She must never meet me." I declared trying to control my hot anger.

"But Master, what if she can break the curse? I mean don't you think it's odd that a beautiful girl such as her would end up in your forest? Perhaps it is fate." Clarkson spoke up now, and he drew closer to where Portia was standing.

I finally couldn't control my rage any longer and I leapt from my seat and let out a terrible roar.  "HOW COULD ANYONE EVER LOVE A MONSTER LIKE ME?!" I growled directly in Clarkson's face, and I wasn't afraid to bare my teeth. Clarkson stumbled backwards, but his gaze was firm with disapproval. I couldn't take it anymore I stormed out of the chamber, and slammed the door behind me. Luckily I had the perfect way to let out my rage waiting for me in the dungeon.

Clarkson's Point of View

I huffed as I watched the master thunder from the room. How could he waste an opportunity like this? Yes it had been many years since the curse hit and we had all given up on him finding love in his beastly form. But he had saved this girl, and I was able to see her immense beauty in the few seconds I had seen her in his arms when he came into the palace. Something about her was, just different.

"Oh Clarkson what shall I do?" Portia sobbed into my shoulder, her blonde curls scratching my neck. "The master seems displeased. What shall I tell the girl? What will he do to her? Oh my, she was so sweet, oh Clarkson!"

"Portia wipe your tears. The girl will be fine, I don't believe the master will take his rage out on her. He saved her after all." I lifted Portia's head from my shoulder. "I want you to tell her that the master said that she should be taken care of. That way when they eventually meet she'll have some trust in him." I know that once the master cools down he will come to his senses. Portia knows this too. He just has such a monstrous temper, and the fact that he is becoming even more beast than man does not help.

"Very well then Clarkson." Portia gave me a quick hug and scurried from the chamber. I am glad I was able to make her calm down. I pushed my spectacles higher on my nose, as I too left the master's gloomy chamber. But not before I caught a glance at the rose. The master referred to it as his tether, or life line. Only a few petals remained. Time was running out, this girl was our final hope.

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