An Enchanted Palace

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Willow's Point of View

I awoke with a startle. I was drenched in sweat, and my whole body was shaken and swore. What happened? Where was I? The last thing that I remembered was riding on Bucky through the forest, and then...oh right. We were ambushed by the wolves. But wait how did we escape? And how did I end up in...A LUSH BEDROOM?

My mind finally took notice of my surroundings. I was lying in a massive bed, with heavy fabric quilts pulled just below my waist. Drapes were pulled back and knotted to the bed post to let light in from the sparkling glass window behind me. This room had to have costed more than my whole cottage!

Someone had to have brought me here, because my arm was also bandaged. I couldn't feel my arm or anything beneath my right shoulder at all. It was completely numb. I let out a soft whimper as a I rolled onto my left side, and used my working hand to peel back the wrappings.

I had to know what my arm looked like, I thought that might relive some of my panic. I carefully unwound the wrapping, and peeled back the final layer. I gasped in shock, fighting the sensation to hurl at the sight of my mangled blood soaked limb. I quickly wrapped it back up again, and tears began to stream down my face. Seeing my arm only brought me more fear.

Suddenly I heard a faint knock on the door. The sound broke me free from my sobs, and I sucked in my breath. Who was there? Was it the person who rescued me and bandaged my wounds? Another knock, this one slightly louder than the last. I had no idea what to do, I didn't have the strength to get out of the bed. And if the person turned out to be an enemy, I was in no shape to defend myself. Crap. What should I do?

"Madam, are you awake? I heard noises coming from inside? May I come in?" The voice from the other side of the door sounded anything but threatening, and the feminine tone was almost comforting in my time of fear. Mabey I should let her in? After all she doesn't sound like an enemy, and she might have been the one who saved me from those wolves.

"Y-ou may come in." I croaked. My voice was hoarse from my sobbing and lack of hydration. The gold encrusted knob of the door slowly began to spin, and the door creaked open. I was not prepared for who I saw enter the room. A small, portly, woman elf dressed in a black maid's gown shimmed through the doorway. I couldn't help but scream. This couldn't be happening? Elves were fabled creatures from only stories? They weren't real. I must have suffered a head injury in the attack? Yes, that is the only thing that makes sense.

"Madam please stop screaming, it's all right. I shall not cause you harm." The elf took a step closer to the bed, and I wiggled my way further back, wincing in pain.

"But-but you're a-an elf, and elves are not r-real." My voice quivered with fear.

"I can assure you, Madam, that I am very much real. My name is Portia, what is yours?" Portia looked right at me with kind, emerald eyes, seeming almost motherly. I calmed down a bit and scooted closer to the edge of the bed where she was looking up at me. Mabey this really was real? Perhaps I misjudged her by reacting with so much panic.

"My n-name is Willow," I gulped. "I'm sorry for reacting with such fear, it is just that I-I have never met an elf before."

Portia sighed, looking not in the least distraught. "That is okay, Madam Willow, I truly understand."

I couldn't help but ask now that I was slightly more comfortable, "Portia are you the one that saved me from the wolves?"

Portia's eyes widened, she was startled. "I, a mere maid have enough courage to fight off wolves? What an extraordinary thought!" Portia began to laugh, a sound comparable to that of the hiccups of a man who had had too much rum. Not knowing what to say I pretended to laugh along with her.  "No, no it was not I who saved you it was my Master. However I was the one to bandage your wounds. How is your arm doing by the way?" Portia waddled up to the bed and pulled herself a top it. Then she straightened her apron and waded her way across the quilt to my arm. She reached out her pudgy fingers to touch my bandage. I couldn't help but flinch. "Not to good I suppose." Portia withdrew her hand, and gave me a look of something almost like pity. Then she hopped off the bed, and landed swiftly on the marble floor. "I shall go fetch you some tea. A good cup can fix anything, and I believe you must be simply parched." Portia then turned and began to waddle out of the room.

"Wait!" I called out to her, causing her to stop. "Can I meet the, um, Master? I would like to thank him for saving me, if I am able?" Portia spun around slowly, and met my eyes.

"The master will see you when he wishes, and no sooner." With that Portia left, and shut the door behind her.


By the time Portia had arrived back with the tea I was beginning to feel everything else start to come back to me. The reason Bucky and I had been in the woods to begin with was in search of Andre. It had been getting dark, and I had tried to defend myself the best I could, but I was overpowered by the wolves. Then of course I heard that terrible roar before everything went black. I have no idea what happened to Bucky, or Andre. Some optimistic part of me hoped that Andre was okay, that he had found his way back to our cottage, and he was sitting safely by the stove, drinking from his favorite flask. But I knew that was improbable, and my dear brother had likely perished alone in the woods. I would likely never see him again. I was completely alone, he was my last family and now he was probably dead. I began to cry again.

"Madam Willow, are you okay? Is your arm bothering you?" Portia hurried onto the bed, sloshing but not spilling the tea even when she jumped.

"No it's not my arm." In fact I couldn't even feel that limb at all.

"Then what is it?" She handed me the cup of tea, and sat next to me on the quilt. She seemed honestly concerned. I gripped the cup in my hands, it was warm, and smelled of sweet honey. I gingerly took a sip to ease my nerves. It was truly delicious, and it warmed my shaking body.

"It's my brother. You see the reason that I had been in the woods to begin with was to search for him. Unfortunately the wolves found me, and my efforts were ruined. Now I fear that he" I couldn't bring myself to say it out loud.

Portia sighed, "I see. Madam Willow I am so sorry, I wish I could do something to help you, but I am only a maid." I took another sip of the tea, and then placed the cup on the white bed table beside me.

"Well mabey you could, you see does your master have a horse? I believe mine ran away during the attack. If I had a horse I could go back into the forest and search for him. Mabey it is not too late yet?" I have no idea where that sudden burst of hope, and pleading came from. Perhaps the tea really did fix me.

"Madam you are in no condition to ride a horse, let alone go back into those woods! Besides what would my Master think if he knew that all of his efforts to save you went to nothing?" Now it was Portia who was doing the pleading. However she was right, how could I ride a horse with one working arm? And I couldn't leave without telling whoever this elusive master was thank you.

"I suppose you are right, Portia." If Andre was still alive he would have to wait for me to be healed. Until then I am stuck in this place, with nothing but my worries to surround me.

"Yes, now what if we gave you a bath. Mabey a good freshening up will wash away your grief?" I hadn't known her for long at all but there was something sweet about Portia. Because in the short time I have known her she has only done things to make me feel better. It was nice to have someone looking out for me.

"Um, sure a bath would be lovely. But I don't want to be a bother."

"Heavens no, you are no bother at all Madam Willow." Portia somewhat scolded me. "I am here to help you with anything, in fact the master ordered me and everyone else to treat you with utmost care." Others? The Master ordered her? Just who is this man?

"What do you mean by others?" I asked curiously, I don't know what I expected but a swarm of elves like Portia running around can't be possible, can it? One elf is believable, but multiple? And all in one place? Impossible!

"Why Madam there are hundreds of us elves taking care of this enchanted palace." Portia stated matter-of-factly, as if I were utterly crazy to not have realized it earlier. I was in an enchanted castle, full of elf servants, brought here by a mysterious master who seems to have Portia and the other elves, I assume, under some sort of spell. I'm starting to believe that I really may never see Andre again.

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