A Rather Rude Awakening

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Willow's Point of View

"Where have you been?" The beast growled.

I shivered from the cold stare he gave me. Clarkson tried to explain but the beast snapped, "No! I want to speak to the girl only. You two are dismissed." He never left my eyes as he spoke this, but by now I couldn't help but look down feeling too guilty and intimidated.

"But Master," Clarkson tried to protest but was shot down immediately.

"NOW!" The Beast roared, almost hoarsely, as if his chest were giving him so pain that he dared not show.

This time Clarkson did not protest. He rolled his eyes and strolled out of the room followed by Portia who waddled rather quickly behind him.

I can't believe we are alone now! Oh what will I say to him? Sorry for treating you like a monster and giving you those horrible infections, please forgive me?! Crap that won't do.

I shifted from foot to foot anxious as can be.

What will I say?

Luckily the Beast was the one to break the silence first, "So, will you answer my question?Where were you?" I had completely forgotten he asked that question!

"Clarkson took me to the kitchen hall to get a meal, because I hadn't eaten since...well a while ago." I forced myself to meet his narrowed gaze again. As I thought, his ice blue eyes were filled with distrust and anger. How can I blame him though? It is my fault he got hurt, and I treated him so horribly. If Andre were here he would probably be ashamed at how I treated my rescuer, beast or non!

"So you didn't go anywhere else?" Now that sounded threatening. I fidgeted with a strand of loose hair, twisting it nervously around my finger. Even though I did go to only the kitchen and never left Clarkson's side, what would he do to me if I hadn't?!

"Yes, and Clarkson was by me the whole time." I said carefully. His eyes suddenly softened, and his hunched over posture relaxed.

"Good. You are not to go anywhere in the castle without an elf, by terms of your imprisonment. Actually I will have Portia be your companion, she knows the place well enough. Do you understand?" He raised his eyebrows at me but kept a level gaze the whole time.

'Terms of my imprisonment', that's right I am still his prisoner. Why have a let myself forget that? This Beast is my rescuer and my captor. He took Andre, my only family from me after brutally torturing him, he never even let me tell Andre goodbye, and he is locking me in this castle with him for the rest of my life. Why have I let myself forget this?!

I was wrong earlier. Andre wouldn't be ashamed at me for treating the Beast as I did, he would be ashamed that I was going to apologize to him!

But the Beast did save me from the wolves, and he did offer me a room. He also cared when I hurt my arm. Oh why is this all so confusing???? How am I supposed to feel? It is all too much. Too much in too short an amount of time.

Just a few days ago I was at home in my cottage reading peacefully by the hearth, awaiting Andre's return. The mere thought of an enchanted castle with elves, and the myth of the beast of the woods being fact was impossible! But here I am brother-less and staring at the mythical beast.

The feelings of sorrow and confusion were coming back into my heart. I held back tears as I spoke, "Yes I understand."

"Good." He released his piecing gaze from myself, much to my relief. I hung my head low, as the tears broke free. I wouldn't let him see me cry.

After seconds of silence he cleared his throat , but I kept my face down, staring at my mud caked flats. "I don't think I know your name?"

That's right he hasn't asked my name yet! Wait he took me as his prisoner but doesn't know my name?! He even just gave me a command, but doesn't even know my name? Who does that?! Then again I have been calling him beast and haven't bothered to know his true name either.

"It's Willow." I wiped my eyes.

"Willow." He tried it out in a gruff voice, however it was much softer than his tone from earlier. "That's a unique name."

Maybe this was  him trying to strike a conversation. I mean what beast has good social skills? Perhaps I should stop judging him before I get to know him better. Besides I will be living here a while and angering him isn't in my best interest right now. Especially since I don't even know how I truly feel about him yet.

Part of me wonders if I should ask for his name. However if he said to address him as "master" I don't think I could handle it. So I guess Beast it is. But that sounds too rude. That's when it hit me.

"Beasty." Crap did I say that out loud?! My eyes shot up to his, not caring anymore if he saw my tears. He looked perplexed by my stupid thought, his thick eyebrows furrowed and angular. What if he found that offensive? I hadn't even asked for his real name. But what if he didn't have one to begin with?

"Beasty." He said this slowly, causing me to wince. What is he thinking right now??? Then I swear I heard something like a chuckle come out from the depths of his massive chest. "Is that what you would like to call me?" He looked at me not in the enraged way I had imagined but in a lighthearted way that seemed impossible for such a terrifying creature. He must have found my stupid blurt amusing.

"Yes-No-I mean if um you are okay with it maybe?" My eyes widened and my hands shook as I spoke. Surely I'm pressing my luck, there is no way this brooding and powerful creature will let me calm him something as degrading as Beasty. Right?

"Yes, I think it's okay." WHAT? He was really okay with it? His eyes softened to a point I hadn't seen from him yet. The amusement written on his face was enough to make him seem almost human like, despite the fur and fangs.

I however was frozen in shock. I can't believe it! He will really let me call him Beasty? Ok then.  "Well um alright Beasty." I couldn't help but half smile at how stupid it sounded coming from my mouth.

What if he isn't as horrible as he seems? Could things actually be not as bad as I feared? Who really is he though? My enemy or my rescuer? Or both? Is that even possible? I guess only time will tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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