A Memory

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Willow's Point of View

I don't know how long I laid in that drafty dungeon in a puddle of my own tears. It had to have been a while though because when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs any exposed skin I had was numb from the cold. Urgently I whipped away my tears and pushed myself upwards and against the wall. Based on the familiar scraping sounds echoing the steps I knew that my visitor wasn't an elf. Not that I desperately wanted to see one, it's just that they were my proffered visitor over the Beast right now.

I was sure that he was coming to torture me the way that he did Andre. Besides he had already saved me once, why would he do it twice? Also the circumstances were much different, with me being his prisoner instead of some random damsel. I sucked in my breath and prepared myself for the destined pain ahead.

Maybe Andre was right, and I shouldn't have done this. At least then we would die together. No. I can't think that way. I owed Andre this, after everything he has given me my whole life, and this situation being my fault entirely.

However all my thoughts ceased when sure enough the Beast's monstrous figure appeared in the dungeon doorway. His figure was slightly shadowed by the torchlights, but his blue eyes stood out like stars in the night sky. Both his eyes and expression were unreadable so I could only guess what he was thinking. Probably that he couldn't wait to torture me as he did my brother. He began to take a step forward, which caused me to scoot myself backwards. He hesitated for a moment, perhaps sensing my distrust, but he didn't take another step forward.

Suddenly I had a rush of emotion flood into my mind and despite my best efforts I couldn't hold my feelings in. "You didn't even let me say goodbye! I'll NEVER see my brother again, and you didn't let me say goodbye!" I have no idea where that resentment came from, but something about my tears must have affected the Beast because I swear I saw a fragment of remorse in his crystal eyes.

Out of nowhere he mumbled, "I will lead you to your room."

WHAT? Out of every thing I expected him to say/do offering me a room wasn't even on the list! "I-I'm sorry, what?"

"WELL DO YOU WANT TO LIVE IN HERE FOREVER?!" He growled obviously annoyed by my shock.

I couldn't help but tremble at his tone, "Well n-no I ju-just-"

"Good, then follow me." He commanded, swishing his cloak as he turned around. The Beast then began to exit the dungeon and climb up the stairs.

What had just happened? One minute I believed he would surely kill me and the next he is offering me a room in his enchanted palace? Nonetheless I quickly scrambled to my feet and hurried after him.


I followed the beast out of the dungeon, surprised that his body could fit through the narrow stairwell leading to the first floor. Once we emerged he began to pick up his pace, causing me to double my steps just to match his stride.

Walking next to him, I couldn't help but feel small and weak. Especially since he was a massive, muscular, monster while I was a small girl with one good arm.

Eventually, after much time of walking in silence we arrived at my new room. Which I could tell was the one I had been put in when I first entered the castle. The Beast waited in the doorway as I stepped inside. However me being my clumsy self, I tripped and bumped into the vanity mirror, causing my injured arm to press firmly against the wood. I couldn't help but wince.

"Are you alright?" The beast said in a gruff voice from the doorway. He must have caught on to my wince and...cared?

I was caught off guard by his sincerity. "Y-Yes I will manage." I rubbed my bandaged arm gingerly to prove my point, however it hurt and I couldn't help but let out a slight whimper this time.

"No you are hurt." He said, stepping inside of my room. Now I was becoming more annoyed than shocked by his caring. The off and on of his personality was messing with my head, and I was getting sick of it.

"Why do you care?" I snapped. Big mistake. Any compassion in his eyes evaporated.

"I AM GIVING YOU A ROOM! ARE'NT I?" He growled, bending down so he was level with my face. However I was not backing down.

"I never ASKED you to!" I challenged.

"WELL WOULD YOU RATHER ME TOSS YOU BACK IN THE DUNGEON?!" He threatened. His eyebrows were furrowed in frustration and his blue eyes were narrowed with anger.

"no." I responded timidly, even though I was still enraged.

"GOOD." He paused for a moment "YOU WilL j-join me fooor dinne-" He slurred those last few words, then to my surprise, he let out a growl of pain before collapsing with a loud thud on the floor.

Luckily I managed to move away in time, if I hadn't he would have crushed me beneath his weight.

I stared at the mound of fur and muscle on the floor confused on what had just occurred. He went from yelling to unconscious in minutes, what was this Beast's problem?!

All of the sudden I wondered what I was doing staring at him when this was my perfect time to get away! I knew none of the elves would stop me since I hadn't even seen any out besides Portia, so there was no obstacles keeping me from Andre.

With that thought I quickly squeezed past the Beast and ran to grab a cloak from the wardrobe. I knotted it around my chin and was about to sneak out of the room when I was stopped in my tracks.

The Beast let out a pitiful growl of pain and began to shake slightly on the floor, like an injured puppy. This triggered a memory that came back to me from the night of the wolf attack.

I remembered the sounds of bodies thumping against trees and the same cries the beast was making right now but they were coming from the wolves. Then I remember being carried by something big and furry, I remembered knowing that I was finally safe.

The memory caused a tear to slip down my cheek. I had been so callous! How could I treat him with such contempt when he saved my life?

I hurled the cloak off, and knelt down to the Beast's side. Carefully I rolled him over as he whimpered slightly.

"It'll be alright." I soothed trying to make him feel the safeness that he made me feel that night.

Suddenly I heard the tiny thumping of feet running down the hall. In a few seconds Portia and a male elf with spectacles appeared in the doorway. So now they make an appearance!

Portia gasped at the sight of her master, and the male elf who was thin with a long hooked nose looked concerned.

"What happened to him?" The new elf asked.

"We heard a loud thud!" Portia exclaimed.

I acknowledged them both, "I need you guys to help me move him to the bed."

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