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The woman stood above the sleeping woman as she stared. Her purple eyes examined every area she could respectfully look at.

Everyone was out of the room, including Rui. Gyomei had to forcefully pull Rui away from his mother when the petite woman asked them to leave.

"As much as I understand Rui not wanting to be away from his mother, given the recent situations that involves Tengen, I'm still firm about my decision. It's too inappropriate for him to be in the same room where I would have to change her and wash her until she heals."

Shinobu said to Gyomei and Obanai. Rui wiggled in Gyomei's grasp, arms reaching out for his mother. Gyomei only pitied him, telling the young boy sorry while he picked up Rui's box with his other hand.

Obanai, though, seemed to not really believe her words. His eyes narrowed and snake hissed, heterochromia eyes scanning her face. When he found nothing, he sighed and followed the large man that held Rui out of the room.

"What bullshit."

Shinobu said to herself as she ran her hand through your hair, making sure not to accidentally pull out any of your curls. The hair that she couldn't help herself but admire. It was so curly and unique, not to mention strong. Your hair stuck out like a sore thumb in Japan, as it was hard to find anyone with different features. Curly and dense hair in a crowd of straight hair.

Everything screamed unique about you, and that's what made her fall for you. From your skintone, hair, features, and culture. She still remembers when you ran away after she held a hotcomb to you.

The woman chuckled at the memory as her hand came to a stop, moving her hand out your hair before she moved away from your bed. She walked towards the front of your bed and squatted down, moving to look under the bed.

In a few seconds, she found what she was looking for. A specific piece for wood of the wood floor. She moved her upper half under the bed so she could lift up the wood, revealing a rather large box with a lock on it.

Grabbing the key hidden under on top of the bed frame, she unlocked the box and opened it up.

There, your "missing" items, that was actually stolen by Shinobu sat. From your favorite perfume to clothing. The items, that was stolen by Shinobu, was kept as a shrine that only she should see. She stole it, so only she should have it.

Rummaging around the box, she pulled out your missing f/c bonnet. You've been missing it for over two months now, and you occasionally ask if she seen it. Of course, she said no, as she didn't want you to know about the..things she did without you knowing about it.

The..many things she did.

She crawled back from under the bed and walked back to your side. Lifting your head up carefully, she placed the bonnet over your hair to protect it.

Soon after she found out she was crushing on you, she decided to start to learn more about your culture. What hair products that'll really help your hair shine and curl, what products made your skin shine and many other things.

Wouldn't this make her your favorite?

Not that freaky and rude Obanai.

Not that emotional Gyomei.

Not that loud and owlish Rengoku.

Definitely not that creepy Tengen.

Not that silent and weird Tomika.

Not that greedy and blabbermouth Misturi.

And God forbid, that rude and hotheaded Sanemi.

But her.

Shinobu who could protect you, even if she's the weakest hashira. She may be the weakest, but don't forget, she's the smartest. Brawn doesn't beat brain at the end of the day.

So why not choose her? She's the smartest and reliable out of everyone.

And even if you say no, it's not like you have a choice.

Because who would you go to when you're injured?

Who would you go to get medication?

Certainly not the hospitals, as they will be suspicious of your condition. They don't believe that demons exist, so you being so slashed up will only make matters worse as they'd think you're a criminal.

You can't go to wisteria houses either, as she regularly visits them without notice. Some she helps with, as they can lack material or experience.

So you would have no place to go to instead of her.

And even so, you can't leave.

Not with you being injured right now.

And suddenly becoming sick.

Looks like someone didn't clean off the weapons well enough, as it seemed you developed a sudden sickness without warning.

Or maybe they did. Maybe it's just the harmless poison she's been sneaking into your drinks and food is finally taking effect. She's been doing it everytime you visited, so it looks like you'll be here for a while.

And maybe that's why you've been feeling weaker than normal lately.

How sudden.

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