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The woman remained in the same room she awoke in for over 7 days. No matter how many times she looked for a escape route, there was numerous things blocking her success. Mainly by being teleported right where she started or be stopped by the three uppermoons.

While she was in a frantic to escape the fortress, her comrades and friends back in the real world of Japan freaked out trying to find her.

They threw and searched through her estate, hoping that maybe she returned, un-wounded and her usual self. Cities among cities were searched   and scanned, and numerous of those people's in the city would be asked if they seen anything.

Demons had the worst of it all, as they were killed slow and brutal, no remorse whatsoever. Or, they'd be taken back to the headquarters and tortured immensely for information of the woman's whereabouts. The later one was only done to lowermoons.

Speaking of demons, Nezuko and Rui had locked themselves in a room and cries. Nezuko, at first, tried to comfort the boy but also failed, becoming just like him. The two would stay in your room and lay next to your futon, full eyes staring at the exact spot your head would normally lay at.

To say that the two was depressed throughout your disappearance is only an understatement. They were as depressed as the others were angered,  some taking as far as to to lash out at other people as their mental decreased everyday of searching for her.

It gotten so bad that even Gyomei was showing signs of stress, hair often messy and aura worried. The 7 days left him less calm and collected as usual, morals not making as much sense when he was in his right mind.

If only the woman was there, she would see the effect she truly had on the people.  She would be able to see why she should have just stayed wherever she started from. Maybe she could have prevented this if she was as private as she once was.

The red-eyed man stared at the woman beneath him, eyes glowing with such fascination at the sight of her pissed off. He simply played with her, purposely leaving things open to give her a false sense of hope, just to tear it back down with a smirk. He enjoyed it, seeing how the woman would always find a way to look at him with those eyes he adored.

Yes, he adored indeed. The man loved to see the fire you always had in your eyes. A fire of determination, a determination made of hatred for him. It was laughable to see your fired eyes staring right back at him as the uppermoon carried you back to the room.

Yet, this time, you someone escaped the grasp of uppermoon 1 and made your way to the man who stood above on another ground. Your legs were weak from the lack of food he purposely made sure to not provide you with, and fell as soon as you reached him.

"So weak now, aren't you? Thought you were a hashira, but it seemed the title didn't last very long."

"Pull your head out your ass, you did this and you fucking know it."

"Feisty as normal. But, don't you know that lowlifes shouldn't talk to species above them like that? I could easily kill you."

"You know damn well that you wouldn't."

"Oh? How do you know then?"

"You want to turn me into a demon, as  I am too strong to just be killed off without a care. Trust, I'm not going to allow someone as delusional and selfish like you ever turn me into a stupid pawn you'll kill later on."

The man smirked grew as he nodded, eyes closing before he looked back at uppermoon 1 who is now behind you. Kokushibo looked down on you as you looked back at him with the same glare you gave Muzan.

Muzan spoke to the demon behind you as you looked at the two, the image of their heads rolling plastered on your mind as you mentally scowled.

"She still thinks she has authority. Throw her in the room behind me, let's see if she'd still had boldness afterwards."

The demon behind you nodded as his arms picked you up, effortlessly holding you as he slid the door open. You were harshly thrown into the dark room, no light illuminating whatever you might be with.

Yet you could sense the heavy breaths of starved demons all around you, swarming you like a pack of lions. Muzan wouldn't let them eat you, or hurt you too badly. But he would try to make you feel scared, as being along with who knows how many starved demons without any protection would be a death wish.

You gotten up from the floor when you felt a hand attempt to grab at your neck ending up grabbing onto the upper half of your clothes. Your clothes were torn at the hard grab at it, causing something to drop out of your breast pocket.

The sound of a rather cloud clank interrupted the sound of the demons heavy breathes. You couldn't see what it was, but you knew what it is.

It's the sound of a kunai.

Since when did you have a kunai, and where did it come from?

You didn't think much of it, as you gathered all of your strength to slaughtering the demons that surrounded you.
Muzan and Kokushibo only stared at the sight of visible blood splatter on the thin walls inside the room. Hands slid down the wall and attempts of trying to escape the room was heard, only to see more blood be sprayed on the wall.

Yet it was the smell of demon's blood.

After a few minutes, the sound of screams and blood splattering everywhere slowed down and eventually stopped. Soon after, the shoji door slowly opened by a brown-skinned hand.

Blood soaked her clothes heavily, dripping all over the floor as she walked out the room with blood covering all of her body. She stood looking at the two, eyes looking at them with a blank look before walking away.

What had just happened?

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