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You walked and walked through the streets as the others followed.

The others, being Muichiro, Gyomei, and Rui.

Yeah, you brought Gyomei and Muichiro along. It wouldn't be right if you didn't.

Rui and Muichiro were attached by the bone, and Gyomei was like an unofficial father the two wouldn't consider him as, but everyone else does. Like thier caretaker while you're gone.

But that's just one of the 3 reasons you brought Gyomei. The second one is that you've gone to him many times for your troubles, and never once had he acted weird like the others.

And lastly, he promised to protect you on your way.

It'll be absolutely stupid to go alone; or even with Rui.

Looking back at what happened in the past, no matter if you're alone or not, you ended up in a BAD situation.

So, Gyomei promised to protect your group from anyone until you reached your destination. There, he'll leave and keep your whereabouts hidden.

Though you and the two boys will miss him, you four all know it's for the greater good.

You looked at the many stands, buying any necessities you'll need for the trip. Especially anything canned or can last long.

And definitely things the boys will find entertaining. Not trying to have them bored.

"Are we going to walk the whole way there?" Asked Muichiro as he looked around.

He was dressed in a basic kimono as he kept his sword hidden. His hair color was colored fully black and pinned up, making him look like a girl rather boy. The makeup you put on his face didn't help any better.

"Yes, as it's too risky to get on a train. Last time, Re-..I mean.. Red was there.."
You said, quickly correcting yourself.

'I can't say nobody's name out loud.. that'll give us out if it was one of..them..'

You also looked different. Skin mostly covered, noticible features covered, hair straightened to fit in, as there weren't many black people in Japan. And having curly hair would make you stick out very much.

You dressed yourself in a blue kimono with a matching design with Rui. Rui, who was covered in a more human looking color instead of his almost dead-like pale skin. His marks were covered, and his hair dyed black.

Now..with the lost hardest person to hide.


He was simply too noticeable.

Too tall, blind, and built like he was fed bricks since he was a kid. Not only that, but he wanted to keep his beads, as he is a monk, and he cried.. a lot.

So, you had to improvise...



".....Am I that noticible..?"

Asked Gyomei as he hid in the shadows.

"You couldn't hide behind a giant sequoia if you tried. Your main problem is that you're huge, Gyomei." Spoked Rui as he walked, looking at Gyomie as he silently wept.

You sighed as you continued walking, looking out for any noticible faces.

You already saw Zenistu, and barely escaped.

That was a bad sign already.

"We'll need to walk through some woods or even an forest eventually. What do you plan on doing then?" Asked Muichiro as he looked at you, head tilting to the side.

He made a good point, but you already had an plan for that.

"I know. That's why I plan on going underground." You responded.

The others looked at you with a questionable look, obviously confused. Then it hit Rui as he started laughing.

"What do you mean?" Asked Gyomei.

You looked around and walked in a different direction, leading the others into the woods.

There, you pulled out your sword and stuck it in the ground.

Looking at your sword, Rui gasped and asked: "You still have your sword? I thought you told me the.. 'uppers' took it?"

You looked back at Rui with a grin.

"They did, but the one who let me go gave me it back a few nights ago. Don't ask."

Rui and the others looked curious at what you meant but let it be, letting you do your work.

"Mineral breathing, second form: underground explosion. "

The ground exploded under you, revealing a hidden tunnel big enough for Gyomei to squeeze through- barely.

The other looked from behind you and at the tunnel, surprise written on their face.

"There's a tunnel..?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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