Chapter 2: Fallen City

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In the years after (M/N)'s "disappearance", due to Union doing it's things of making sure somebody is out of the picture.

With nearly everyone still in school due to some exceptions, and by some, I mean nearly every single Pokémon trainer in the school left to go to a different one when they found the current situation lacking.

At least they still had a kick at having the powered ones being beaten down by the Pokémon they call weak.

With plans in motion, and the council that monitors Union, corrupt to the core besides a scarce few, they will be arguing over what happens next... at least, that's what they thought before Something woke up.

That something... was known as

The Behemoth

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The Behemoth

A being that is stronger than one may think to fight, as the last time one woke up, it managed to slaughter an entire platoon of Atlesian soldiers and knights without a scratch.

They had to drop an entire planes load of explosions to even kill it, and even then, the nearby Grimm finished the thing off

And now, one of them is at Union City, where innocent and guilty alike, are fighting for survival.

"We have to cut to the chase here. This Behemoth isn't going down." A hero said, using their powers to make sure that the civilians are safe. This was Golbon. A graduated hero who was competent enough to accept help when it is needed.

A female voice sounded back saying "Yeah, but we have to deal with everything else here as well, which takes - DUCK!" and they both dodged a metal beam coming their way, with some kid in an orange jacket getting impaled.

"Oh my god, it killed Kenny!"

"You bastard!"

They both looked at each other, and then to the kid who just got killed and his friends, before dodging a rouge fire blast that came from the monster.

Situational awareness be damned, but it can save lives when one knows how to dodge.

Somewhere in the omniverse...

A green man smirked for no reason, thinking "Heh, at least someone out there knows how to dodge." before yelling at a kid to dodge.

Back to our regular scheduled viewing...

Golbon then looked back to his companion at the moment. She wore armor that actually helps out instead of being a skimpy outfit that some would get at a store and call it a day. This was Fanolsto. A regular human who has helped the powerless out.

"This is getting bad." she said, looking at the damage the city has taken when the behemoth awoken.

"Well, not that bad actually." Golbon said, seeing the fleeting figure of a certain pervert getting flung to a nearby building. She actually smirked at him getting his just deserts.

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