Messy seats

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(AN: From the grave, I rise from my sleep to give you this chapter. Sorry about the wait.)

Walking towards the room where the bullies were at, (M/N) and his entourage of security have been making waves since the Behemoth. A species that they all thought were just limited to people getting called furries and their fur suits, now in the flesh walking among them.

The news, being for what it was known for, have been using outdated media knowledge on them, and rumors being circulated that they were on their planet to take it over.

"Alright, Zoroark," he started, making orders for everyone to hear, "You are with me since I know you want blood, but not right now. If things go quickly, I'll let you and a few others raid some complexes where the villains are located at." he continued.

Zoroark, tried to protest, but he said "Look, I know we both want them to suffer, and it's taking a great deal of restraint to not kill them on sight, but due note that we are dealing with people who can and probably will mark us as villains."

"As for the rest of you," he pointed at Jess and Sarah, "You two are going to be the guards, and be ready to get us out of there at a moments notice." "Alright Sir"

He then pointed at another two, who have their weapons on standby.

He then pointed at another two, who have their weapons on standby

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(Note: They were created by this person oLEEDUEOLo

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(Note: They were created by this person oLEEDUEOLo

I'm not kidding, had to search deviant for this, and this was their name.)

"You two, you deal with anyone who will try to assassinate us. I'm not taking any chances." he said, noting what happened to Abraham Lincoln.

They saluted and said "Sir yes sir." "Good, and in the event that things go awry, get a call to the others."

As they approached the door to where the meeting is gonna take place, memories from back then appeared in his mind, before being suppressed. "That, will not happen again." he mentally said, before Zoroark put her paw on his shoulder.

He sighed, and put on the best poker face that he can before entering though it.

Changing P.O.V.

As our leader went through the door, I nodded to my buddy, and went invisible. Training that was required for this, was intense enough that only a few hundred made it out. Weaving through the the many people inside was a breeze while getting in position.

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